High Quality FM Tuner - Advice

My needs are simple. A tuner that has great sound and can bring in distant stations, in stereo, quietly. I have the right roof antenna system with a MD Signal Sleuth. I read about Magnum Dynalab, Fanfare, Linn, Accuphase, old Macs and Yamahas. I have the budget, if i can find the right unit. Your thoughts?
There are many good ones to chose from, both new and old, as listed above. I do not have experience with any but the Fanfare FT-1A. I decided to buy a tuner last year and after all my research, I settled on the Fanfare and love it! I should of bought a tuner years ago.

Some say presets and a remote is of little use to them. This may be true, or it may be they can't miss what they dont have. I use my remote and presets daily and can't imagine being w/o.

Keep us posted to what you settle on. I believe there are a number of them you will be completely happy with.
Just a follow-up on my earlier post: you might also want to check out the vintage Marantz solid state tuners available on Audiogon and other places (eBay, audioclassics.com, classicaudio.com) because they are CHEAP (under $500), some are in excellent condition cosmetically, and they sound really good. The Marantz solid state tuners are alleged to last you a lifetime. Some of them have oscilloscopes, which are WAY cool, too.
brian, i don't need a remote for the tuna, as i usually yust listen to one or two stations. i woodn't *dreamm* of using a preamp anymore, w/o remote volume control, at least.

and to whomever thought it necessary to give me negative wotes on my last comments, may the tuna gods strike yer antenna w/lightning & fry whatever tuna ewe have that i dint say good tings about... ;~)

doug s.

McCintosh MR71, the last tube analog tuner made by McCintosh if you like musicality.
I have 2 Tandberg tuners, a 3011A and Tandbergs flagship 3001A. From a looks standpoint, almost identical. The same engineering team built both tuners in the early 1980's. The engineers were given a mission of building the finest tuner they could for the 3001, which then sold for $1100 and is absolutely outstanding. Extremely musical with excellent sensitivity. The Company realized they were losing their shirt on it and came out with the 3001A and doubled the price to $2200. Exactly the same tuner other than the A suffix. The 3011A incorporates many of the same parts, and stages of its big brother and gives up very little to it in sound quality. It’s really excellent. The sensitivity is not quite as good but build quality, attention to detail and finish are very good. You can find both tuners if you look around, there are still many in service and would be a fine choice.