Hifi dealer in San Diego?

I fly in from Europe to San Diego on saturday to stay for a week. What hifi shops are recommended?
I'm especially interested in wadia, and also in magnan, krell and wilson audio.
Any recommendations are welcome.
Jeff Hagler is the best dealer in San Diego. His website is jeffssoundvalues.com. I've purchased many high end components from him and he stands behind his products.
Stereo Design has what your looking for (Krell, Wilson, Wadia). Check out there website www.stereodesign.com for pictures of their sound rooms and updates on equipment they carry.
Uli, I agree with both of the above individuals. I live in north San Diego county and have worked very well with David at Stereo Design. Last month I bought an MC12 balanced and David knows his stuff as well as the rest of the group. They are closed on Sunday and Monday if that helps your week's planning.