Fired up the TT for the first time

Finally fired up my new setup. OH MY GOD!!!.I'd swear that Joni was in the room. It kills CD, except for SACD. Once my VPI cleaner comes, I can listen to the rest of my collection.

Hi David,
Whaddya end up gettin' for record spinnin'? and whaddya mean by the "...except for SACD" thing?
Most decent vinyl rigs should show SACD its heels once it's set up properly and broken in.
Isn't it a wonderful heady feeling, David? The vinyl fix will have you hunting out garage sales and used vinyl shops gleefully hauling away those precious records to clean and play......You're in for a lot of enjoyment. Good for you! Cheers, Bluenose
I agree with Bluenose. Davids' life will never be the same; the frequent stops at used record stores, garage sales, flea markets, even buying vinyl on-line. Welcome to our world ...
As a confirmed Audiogonoholic, I bought everything except the cartridge on-line, demo or used. I ended up getting a Basis debut 5, a Graham 2.0 (soon to be 2.20) tonearm, a Herron phono stage and a Harmonic Technology crystal phono cable. I bought a Benz Ruby 2, series 2, low output cartridge, through a local dealer so they could mount it. When I get more adventurous I will try mounting my own.
