Is it safe to run cheap wires?

I am in the process of upgrading my speaker wires. I sold my old ones and I dont have the new ones yet. I have two Classe Audio Ca-400's that I run bridged. (roughly 1200 watts per channel) It will be a few weeks before I have my new wires and I was wondering if it was ok to use monster cable until then. I know the sound quality isnt going to be the greatest but is that to much power for the cable?
Perfectimage; Thanks for answering the one amp versus two amp question. Steve McCormack suggested that I could do it the way you are, but I'm seriously considering sending them to SMC for mono-bloc conversion and matching as well as upgrading work. Happy Listening. Craig
Craig. If you decide to have them converted I would like to know how it works out for you. I have always questioned what you are loosing when an amp can be bridged by throwing a switch. I would think that a mono block and a bridged amp would be two different designs. I would think that having them converted like you are would be a much better option.
PI; I think you're right as SMC uses an expensive HQ Jensen transformer in the conversion process, and they also match the amps as closely as possible. According to Steve M. the matching is important (but not essential). Craig