Shunyata Hydra

Anyone been using this? I've got one on order but was wondering how it compares to other highly regarded power conditioners. i know it is not a power conditioner per say but it does improve the power coming out of it. I still plan to hook amps to direct wall outlet. What changes have you experienced?
I just received a Hydra three days ago and also have a PS Audio 300 and a 600 (the latter is in for repairs). As soon as I give the Hydra a proper break-in I will post a comparison.
I think the MS Exec. probably got his Hydras from Stuart of Sanctuary Of Sound, who works up in that area and who told me that he sells lots of stuff to the wealthy boys of Redmond. When I bought my EC EMC-1 from him, he told me that he, at the time, had a 6 month exclusive with Shunyata, so there's another connection. I'm not saying the Hydra doesn't work, just that SoS is probably the one pushing them. Heck, I have two Black Mambas and a Cobra, as well as a PP300, so I've no axe to grind.
