Get rid of excessive low bass

I am using Energy floorstand speaker in 4mx4m room and it produce woo sound in low frequency. Any interconnect cable can improve it? or do you have other suggestion?
I kind of like the power cord/cable suggestion as they may be part of the problem, as well as the room. Many constantly upgrade cables to get the mids and highs (as well as the bass) just right. Why not try this approach in particular for low end problems as well? I have not listened to an analog equalizer in a system since the mid 70's, but if they have not been greatly improved they would tend to compress the sound much more than a typical cable, IMO. My experience with them aslo was that their sound character (compression) was less noticeable on 3 and 4 way speaker systems and more so on two way systems. I don't know why this was, but it seemed to be the rule of thumb. As far as equalizers go perhaps a 30hz filter would give better results by clearing up available power reserves to handle/control what is left. Now what are some "great" cables that have "no bass"? LOL.
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Lifting the speakers off the floor is a great suggestion. Several companies make 6 inch stands.
Elizabeth, cutting down on the guage of your power cord will definetly thin your bass but will also increase the chance of having a fire in your home. It is not very wise to recommend a tweek of this nature. This is a very dangerous thing to try and the possible consequences could be dire. As an ex-firefighter, I have seen with my own two eyes what can happen as the result of overloaded outlets, underrated extention or power cords etc. Some of them were even fatal. I suggest you keep these type of suggestions to yourself.