Cardas vs NBS?

I am considering to upgrade my speaker cables...the ones I have in mind are

*Cardas Golden Reference

*NBS Signature III

Any opinion?
One further thought. Although I thought the Cardas speaker cables were superb, I can't say they are any better than their interconnects or phono cables. But the NBS 0 speaker cables had an astonishing impact, much greater than any of the interconnects did.
Another much more moderate cable which you might try is the old, now discontinued, JPS Superconductor. This cable is very neutral and compares well with some very expensive cables which I have tried. My experience with the $1500 + cables is that I haven't yet found one which is clearly better than all or many of the moderately priced ones for all applications. I haven't tried everything, since I am cheap and won't pay those megabuck prices for the cables with the huge reputations (and price tags). The most I'll pay is about $700 for an interconnect. It seems to me that there are good cables at every price point from $70 to $3000 and that no cable is perfectly neutral or does everything well. Most importantly, you cannot drop any cable, no matter how good the reputation, in any system and expect to get the best sound possible. As far as pricing goes, you may or you may not get more for your money as you buy more expensive cable.
I have tried both for interconnects and think my NBS Statements are so much more revealing and dynamic than the Cardas. I certainly would not describe the Statements as bright. I think they are very neutral. I'm using NBS Professional speaker cables and have found them to be the best of many brands. (With Proceed preamp, Pass Aleph 4 power amp, and Revel Studios. You will not be disappointed with NBS cables if you can afford them.
Thanks for all your contribution to my inquiry. It is just that I have found it difficult to decide, my observation of the two is...
Cardas Golden Reference sounds netural but not cold - in fact it is able to retain the warmth sound I have had experienced in the Golden Cross without the bloated bass! Mid-range has a nice body to the sound. The only thing about the GR is that it does not go as deep as the NBS.

NBS Signature III improves on the highs of the previous model ie Sig II and has plenty of bass definition. However, what I miss is the mid-range warmth which the GR has.

My setup is a wadia driving a jeff rowland model 10 directly using GR interconnect.