Silver or copper cables?

I was curious on everyone elses preference on cables I prefer silver but that is just me. Which do all of you prefer? I would be interested in brad pitt's response hahaha!
What's up Stevemj? This is at least the second post I've come across where you're cuttin it up. Do you really believe your utterances or are you just looking to spice up what you see as being a dull forum?If your experience tells you cables don't make a difference that’s fine. But could it be that a) your hearing can’t decipher the difference(s) b) your gear won’t let you hear the differencec)You don’t want to hear the difference? Regardless of what you choose to believe you will find a legion of “brainwashed” consumers who (like those spending time on this site) hear it differently. Visit your local nose throat and ear specialist, get them to check out your hearing. Then go forth into Audiophilia, bring along your trusty zip cord and take the Pepsi challenge where and whenever you can. After you’ve put in the time, come back and tell us what you've found.
Jcbtubes - You are essentually saying that even the manufactures have no explanation for the difference in sound quality of cables. I'm not suprised. These are probably some of the same manufactures that put arrows on their cables. By the way, you are the one making the amazing claim that wire has sound. It is therefore, incumbent upon you to provide the evidence.
Wasn't this thread about Silver vs. Copper?

Stevemj Why not start a new thread? I'm certain that many folks would be interested in indulging you on the subject.

FYI there are many things that effect the sound of a wire. One could categorize these as factors that increase or decrease accurate transference of the original signal (and moderate distortion of the original signal). One of the most significant “contributors” to the sound of any given cable is the dielectric (its application and composition). Shielding can also improve or detract from a cable’s ability to maintain the accuracy of the information carried. This isn’t even taking into consideration the metal(s) used, purity, resistance to magnetic information, geometry/configuration and how well the finished cable rejects RFI/EMI. There are also legitimate arguments as to conductor depth and vs. signal. Cable construction (resistance, capacitance, inductance and impedance) will effect the relationship between speaker & amp. Accurate (less distorted) transfer of signal is highly dependant on the length of cable run, spacing of conductors (in relation to one another) etc. The considerations your question presents could be taken to extremes. In the end its all dependant on your listening preferences and equipment, and whether or not YOU value the differences and are willing to pay for them.
Stevemj, get a clue,

There is scientific data as to why different cables can sound significantly different, the skin effect for one is a well documented issue in electrical engineering.

If you're happy using rip cord, so be it, one day perhaps you'll see the light.....and use something other than light cord!
hey, i think i figured it out. stevemj is justa another whore for star sounds (sistrum/acoustic points). perhaps they're about ("aboot" in canadian) to announce a "wireless" connection system that'll outdo zipcord to a scientifically significant degree. boy, i don't know about the rest of you but i can hardly wait.