Power Cord For Audio Research gear

Hi folks........I just purchased an Audio Research LS25 and PH3 SE......any suggestions from you all as to the best power cord for them????

Kevperro - Great Post about the power cords -- gave you 4 x 2 in the rating!!!
Kevperro - Some of what you say is true. A larger gauge line cord will reduce the voltage drop and thereby increase the maximum RMS power of an amplifier. On the other hand a larger line cord because of its lower resistance will have a higher rate of change of current vs. time. Faster rate of change means more EMI. (If there is anyone out there who knows anything about electricity, well, my appologies)

Now, for the really misleading aspect of your post. You failed to mention that an amplifier playing music at full tilt (occasional clipping) is delivering 5 to 10 times less that its rated power. This trashes all your calculations by 5 to 10 times. Since max power is a function of the square of the voltage, a power lost calulation would be off by 25 to 100 times.

I have no idea whether you were simply unaware the average to peak power requirements of music or if you were being deliberately inaccurate. I do suggest that before you invoke the possible effects of the great unknown that you first come to grips with the simple stuff.
Stevemj: The post is not mine. I should have referenced it better at the start. At the end you will see the signature of Jon Risch. I was only offering it, and the link attached, as a source for a more technical debate on the topic. John Curl was also a part of the conversation and I think that his reputation in the field of Audio is well established.

The problem that I see is that you are not interested in a technical debate of the ideas. If you where, you would find a group of people who have technical backgrounds. If you are looking for a technical explanation why do you argue with what is obviously, people without a physics/engineering background?

The question I have, is what are your intentions? If your interest is helping people, I would recommend that you take it easy on the rhetoric. If your intentions are to inflame hateful debate...just keep up what you are doing. You don't endear people towards your opinions when you come at them from the standpoint of being superior to them.
Well stevemj i have tried power cords stock to transparent super power cord and u can hear a difference. this is on expensive equipment. seems that what ever u do in high end audio it affects the sound, ie@ audio point, racks,sorbane feet, mipingo dots, tube dampers, red rollers , audioquest rf stoppers the list is endless.

So the question is when a manufacturer is testing his prototype amp does he use all these accessories , probably not. So if someone want to spend money for accessories then so be it.I bought power cords not really necessary but they did seem to improve the sound what ever that is?
This whole game of high end sound is so arbitrary because there is no right or wrong, if u like the sound that is what is most important.
If one is not careful the will get caught in the high end spiral of buying and selling my advice to anyone is buy from mainstream manufactures whether elctronics or cables.mixing and matching is for reviewers not consumers
Ontario - This is the proof that much psychology is involved......."seems that what ever u do in high end audio it affects the sound, ie@ audio point, racks,sorbane feet, mipingo dots, tube dampers, red rollers , audioquest rf stoppers the list is endless."...... Try listening with the car in the garage and the car out of the garage, you may hear a difference.