Power Cord For Audio Research gear

Hi folks........I just purchased an Audio Research LS25 and PH3 SE......any suggestions from you all as to the best power cord for them????

Well stevemj i have tried power cords stock to transparent super power cord and u can hear a difference. this is on expensive equipment. seems that what ever u do in high end audio it affects the sound, ie@ audio point, racks,sorbane feet, mipingo dots, tube dampers, red rollers , audioquest rf stoppers the list is endless.

So the question is when a manufacturer is testing his prototype amp does he use all these accessories , probably not. So if someone want to spend money for accessories then so be it.I bought power cords not really necessary but they did seem to improve the sound what ever that is?
This whole game of high end sound is so arbitrary because there is no right or wrong, if u like the sound that is what is most important.
If one is not careful the will get caught in the high end spiral of buying and selling my advice to anyone is buy from mainstream manufactures whether elctronics or cables.mixing and matching is for reviewers not consumers
Ontario - This is the proof that much psychology is involved......."seems that what ever u do in high end audio it affects the sound, ie@ audio point, racks,sorbane feet, mipingo dots, tube dampers, red rollers , audioquest rf stoppers the list is endless."...... Try listening with the car in the garage and the car out of the garage, you may hear a difference.
Kevperro - You have a point. After having been called a whore a pimp and accused of jerking off while writing my posts, I haven't much concern for the sensibilities of of folks here. I should because most here are not like that.

At first I was naive and thought that common sense would have some effect. However, the experience of thinking that you have heard some change even tho there is no scientific reason for it is so attractive to many that reason can't compete.

I have asked a few of my most knowlegable engineering friends to contribute, but the stuff discussed here is so wildly farfetched that they won't touch it.

Anyway, I was hoping that some who read but don't post might be saved some money. And, having been a partner in a company that manufactured highend gear myself, I find that I resent the manufactures who are making money selling and promoting these hoaxes.

You realize that manufactures who know better can't say anything because they will lose the business of the people who think that "everything makes a difference". I came here to buy some B&W speakers. I've done that so probably won't be around much anymore.
You shouldn't leave because your opinion is unpopular. You should know better than to troll on this type of topic. Many..many people have spent big dollars on cables etc... Assuming that they are all just imagining the improvements brought about by cables is a rather insulting suggestion. I would ignore your friends advice and try yourself. This mind game you are having over whether you can tell or not isn't even an issue. If I can not tell a significant difference between cable I don't care, but sometimes, you have to be deaf not to hear the differences. If the differences I hear in cables is just my imagination... then I'm having a serious acid flashback.
I have never met Stevemj. I keep reading the same posts over and over, with only a few words changed
here and there, on my computer. I have come to the inevitable conclusion that since I have seen no proof with my own eyes that Stevemj is actually a human and not a computer generated series of ones and zeros, there is, in fact, no Stevemj. Since I have not seen him, he does not exist. Works for me. Seems to work for him too. As for the humans on the site, can we get on with our favorite hobby now and have some fun?