Power Cord For Audio Research gear

Hi folks........I just purchased an Audio Research LS25 and PH3 SE......any suggestions from you all as to the best power cord for them????

It is not simply AC vs DC and Ohm's law as you are suggesting. The energy transport from source to sink is vey complex. There are no exact models.
I think that you have added to the old adage: " a little knowledge can sometimes be dangerous."

What is your qualification in terms of your technical background?

I use to be a "techno freak" until I realized that measurements cannot predict exactly how a component will sound/perform in a system.

Why don't you experiment with different cables in your system, instead of "shooting in the breeze."
Stevemj: Thanks for the common sense approach. A further deficiency of Jon Risch's "explanation" that Kevperro posted is that Risch assumes that the conduction angle in the primary of a power amp's peak-rectification power supply will remain the same at heavy current demand as at light current demand, and thus he divides the RMS current demand by the conduction angle to come up with an absurdly high peak current figure. In reality, the conduction angle increases as the current demand rises, and thus the peak current rises to only about 50% to 100% above the RMS level. That still points to the need for good power conductors to minimize power loss, but they can be had for a fraction of what the boutique power cords sell for. Power cords that sell for $50, $100, $500 or whatever serve the ego and not the audio.
Gmorris - I was trying to explain that cables are AC and, therefore, can not have a prefered direction, regardless of any law imaginable.

My qualification is that my IQ is above 80 (barely, or I wouldn't be wasting my time on this moronic topic).
Steve, if all that matters is the #'s then you shouldn't even have to audition equipment. Just get the white papers, read, and buy. Pretty easy that way. Some of us more egotistical morons prefer to actualy LISTEN to the equipment we buy. I will gladly stay in that camp thanks....