Stylus cleaning: tools, fluids, techniques?

I'm interested in your opinions about the best stylus cleaning tools and fluids are. I'd also like some input as to how to clean the stylus; but not so basic as to "always in the direction of record play". I'm more interested in how often, always with fluid, sometimes dry, how much force against the cantilever.

This question comes about as the result of my killing an inexpensive, but enjoyable, cartridge. I'm wondering if I "loved it too much". I'd like to get my vinyl hygeine down before the upgrade bug bites that part of my system.
macdonj: i use an ortofon "electro stylus cleaner" and last "stylus cleaner" fluid about every 15-20 hrs. of play. i try to check the stylus frequently to see if any fuzz-balls have formed; these, i usually clean off with a stylus brush and mirror that (i vaguely recall) came with my tonearm. i do think that you should refrain from too frequent cleaning of your stylus, given the fragility of most cantilevers. -cfb
I use Last cleaner too along with Benz brush that is being supplied with the cartridge. Last brush is great too.
To visualise I use dental magnifying mirror that is available for free if you ask your dentist.
macdonj - I have a Linn LP12 and I notice that the owner manual states that stylus brushes are "completely useless". They recommend a "dry vibrating cleaner" and I do not know what that is.

Having said that, my local Linn salesperson strongly discourages use of liquid stylus cleaners because of the residue they leave. I do not know how true that is. He does recommend using Silly Putty! Just let the stylus rest under its own weight on a piece and then pick the tonearm up. The silly putty will remove all the gunk. It is simple enough and I do it every few records or so.