Holographic Imaging- Cable suggestions?

I've been doing a little cable experimenting lately. I replaced my Pre-Power amp interconnect (Transparent Super) with another (Stealth PGS). The main improvement was high frequency extention, unfortunately, I lost some of the holographic imaging of the Transparent cable. Of course, I want both qualities. Should I consider going up-level in the Transparent line or try another brand of cable?
no money, My system contains mostly digital cable. I'm using Stealth Varadig, which I like a lot. The two analog cable's are Transparent Super & Stealth PGS. The Spk. cable is Transparent Super as well. What I'm attempting is to do is extend the high frequency and retain the holographic imaging. Adam
No Money, Forgot to list the equipment. Basically, the system is comprised of :Sony SCD777-ES, Tact RCS 2.0 digital pre & DAC,Llano design hybrid amp,Audio Physic Virgo's, REL Strata sub. I digitize my tuner and turntable with the MSB ADD1 (custom built power supply), upsampled with the Assemblage D2D-1.
Adam, how do you like the 777es? Built like a tank but I couldn't swing it and ended up with the s9000es. Really hope the whole SACD thing takes off, but that's another thread all together. I run Ultra to a Audio Research LS-15, Ultra balanced w/xl to Proceed HPA2 and Super bi-wire (soon to be Ultra) to ML aerius i. Maybe you can get a loaner set of Ultra to try? Transparent has a pretty good trade up policy from the "super" line on up. Do you have balanced outputs and inputs? It could be your system just doesn't click with the Transparent stuff, but I figure if you liked the other 2 sets enough to fork out the dough than try the whole system. It has an entirely different flow with everything Transparent. Good luck with you efforts, sounds like a nice system.
Magnan cables image very well. Huge soundspace with good body to instruments and vocals.
After five years out of the hobby, I'm rebuilding my system. I had made my research on what's new and found that dollar for dollar, single crystal, continuously extruded oxygen free copper is the best conductor. You can buy the wire for $2/ft in www.bottlehead.com . I found out that Phoenix Gold by Carver Pro uses the wire properly twisted, sheathed in teflon, with a ground wire, 100% shielded and in a very flexible and tough rubber hose. The connectors really grip hard...I figured because it is sold for studio and sound reiforcement use they couldn't come up with any Voodoo, pseudomathematical theories or expensive silver. I am extremely pleased. The sound is neutral and lets you hear what is.
