Thorens 125 MkII: MM or MC cartridge? What's diff?

I purchased a used Thorens 125 MkII. I'm pretty sure the cartridge is a Shure V15VMR. I'm pretty inexperienced with turntables, so I'd like to know whether the cartridge is MM or MC, since the Denon 3802 A/V reciever I'll probably buy will only accept MM. Since I'm so inexperienced, I don't know the difference between MM and MC, let alone what they stand for. Also, is the Thorens only compatable with one of these cartridges, regardless of whether it's a Shure?
Steve: You probably have a version of the 3009 arm, or if you are lucky a 3012 (12"). The Sure "V" that you have should sound very nice, on either, if it is in good shape. Might be best (as mentioned above) to just replace the stylus (if this is even needed) and listen to it "as is" cartridge wise for starters (these combo's are quite good). In your situation I would upgrade the IC's (just the interconnects - not the tone arm cabling) if this has not been done. Also, if it has the stock Thorens rubber mat, a Linn felt mat is a big step up. A felt mat will not only improve the sound (on Thorens) but will also cut down (considerably) on static build up. I am currently using a Thorens TD165, but did the above to a TD160II in the 80's (this one had the 3012 arm, Linn mat and your exact cartridge). Though the TD165 is a budget table (and me being on a budget:-), I have still replaced the IC's with 47 Labs OTA cable and made a DIY felt mat (even on this table - much better sound). I have not gone into setup (also crucial) and you might try researching this @ in the Vinyl Forum. Good luck and have fun.
Scott: Dekay is right. If I remember correctly, the SME arm is a 3009. And when I said that I hadn't set up the "unit" yet, I hope I wasn't unclear: I meant hooking up the whole turntable to my system, not the tonearm -- the SME is already installed. I think the guy who sold the Thorens to me may have included the original tonearm as well, but it's all packed away in storage right now so I can't quite check.

Dekay: when you suggest the Linn felt mat, you mean the mat that the record rests upon, right? Where can I find one and how much can I expect to pay? I think I'm still kind of incompetent at DIY stuff, even if it only involves tracing a circle on felt and cutting it out. You suggest upgrading the interconnects, as well. I wasn't given any in the package, but I've been saving a Coincident IC that was recommended to me when I had more cash available. Do you think this cable would be too unflatteringly neutral for the Thorens? Are there any ICs usually mated with Thorens? I'll ask Steve at the Cable Co. next time I talk to him, too. What I'm really concerned about are the female RCAs on the TT: They are old, and not gold plated. Where can I go to update these connections? Lastly, the ground wire has a few knicks and cuts in its shielding, and if I remember correctly, some wire is exposed. Does it matter sound-wise if I just wrap some electrician's tape around these spots, or would you recommend replacing the wire entirely? Would radio shack wire do the job _well_, or are there proven audiophile ground wires, too?
Thank you all very much for your input.
Steve: Yes it is the platter mat. The last time I researched the Linn mat it was around $80 (which may have been @ a discount). Perhaps the members here have a source for a less expensive (but just as good) felt mat? Also research TT IC's as it seems that you will be starting fresh. The cable (IC) that I am using is part of a "kit" that costs $600 and I use the same cable throughout my system (even for speaker cable). I tried to hand cut my first DIY mat (I agree that doing this is not easy), but cut the second one on a direct drive turntable @ a thrift shop. I just punched a center hole, placed the felt square with some tape on the bottom side of it on the TT platter, started up the beater TT while wrapping my hand, which was holding a razor knife, around a shelf post for support and let her rip/cut. I consider this to be potlicking @ its best, but the guys @ the shop didn't mind and I got a nice circle out of this one. The 1/8" felt that I used was from McMaster-Carr and cost approx. $15 (enough material to make two mats). They are online @ ( though I have a branch 30" away from where I live. I hardwired my IC's to the table, but feel that you are on the right track upgrading the old Thorens RCA's. I have been replacing the RCA's on some new/vintage gear with good results and I am just using cheap gold plated ones. The gear that I end up keeping will get better RCA's down the line, but for now I am using some mystery ones that I purchased in bulk (a baggie full of them) @ a thrift shop for a few dollars. I still need to research these connectors as I am not certain as to what's hot and what's not. TT setup is too detailed to go into here (for me anyway), but there is tons of info on this @ Audioasylum, which also has a very nice search engine. The basics may even be in the FAQ section on the first page, but there is detailed info (on your model(s) - both TT and arm) in the forums. I used to have other people set up my TT's in the past, but have found (this time around) that it is really not that hard (time consuming yes, but not hard:-), plus I feel better knowing how to do this myself as I can now change things @ a whim. What you will need is a protractor (or cartridge gage) and a small mirror, a VTF gage/scale (to double check tracking force), some main bearing oil (Singer sewing machine oil is what I use and it's $2 a tube), a bubble level to place the deck on an even keel and perhaps some metric allen wrenches to adjust VTA. If some of this stuff came with the table, then all the better. I use elctrician's alcohal for general degreasing and cleaning the belt. Again this sounds complicated, but it's not once you start reading and doing it. The result is much better sound without spending much.
Mobil One (or an equivalent synthetic) is a great bearing Oil. One of the lighter viscosities is the ticket. It's also good in your car engine....
It's great to find someone who seems to know anything about the Thorens TD 125, so I'll take my chance and ask my question. I own a Thorens TD 125, original version, with SME 3009 arm and a rather new Ortofon MC 15 Super cartridge. I had the deck rewired with Van den Hul Cable. My question concerns the SME-arm, which has rather loose bearings. What arm would be the best to replace it with? Since I'm a little short on money please don't tell me only a SME series V would do.... I would like to keep my Ortofon cartridge.....
