Speaker Cables - 15 Ft. or "No Wife"

Due to the W.I.F.E. factor, I have to run my Manley 300Bs with 15ft speaker cable to my Coincident Super Eclipse speakers (the things we do to stay together). So, I am looking for a good speaker cable that: A) Will sound great at this 15ft length and B) Will not cost me more than $1000. I have to biwire, so please keep this in mind when making recommendations. And a D.I.V.O.R.C.E. is not an option... yet!
check out the new soundstrings. the price is not that different for longer length.

good luck.

I'm using 30 foot runs of Audioparts' MAS Hybrid speaker cable. Sounds excellent...detail, air, tight bass, no hash. Should substantially come in under your $1000 budget for 15 foot bi-wire.
I agree with MP... Alpha-Core is the way to go. Alpha-Core speaker wire is thick, flat, and 99.99% pure copper or silver. Better yet it only costs a several hundred dollars. Nordost wire with 99.999999% pure copper is fanatical, ridictulously expensive and really doesn't add that much more to sound quality. For several hundred dollars you can have a happy marrage.
I've really liked the Analysis Plus for a 20 ft. run that I have. Inexpensive, too.