help please. i need opinions of high output carts

i've just switched from a rogue 99 to a marantz model 7 preamp. love the marantz, but my low-output grado statement (4.5 mv on mine) needs replacing with higher output. table is a vpi aries (which i also love); amp is david berning designed audionics of oregon ba150; speakers good old kef 105.2's although i switch to bozak rhapsodies when i need to move more air. any suggestions? i've been recommended a benz micro h2, a van der hul mc2, and a dynavector 20xh. sounds to me like the 1st 2 may be in a higher league but i have no way to really know. HELP!
I've never heard a Grado, but the Benz Gliders come in three different output might want to check them out.
The Marantz 7 is designed for MM carts, and you love the Grado house sound. Seems to me you should just invest in the regular output Grado Reference of your choice instead of looking for an HO MC. If you can trade-in or sell your present LO Statement for what it's worth you might be able to stay at or near top-of-the-line and not go over budget.
Zaikesman, you hit the nail on the head, so to speak. I agree. I've also been told that MM's, as a general rule, are more forgiving of tiny mis-alignnment errors than MC's. Happy Tunes!
It sounds like you love the marantz and would like to keep the grado statement. This is probably the best idea as the statement is pretty high up on the analog food chain and IMHO, going to be hard to top with a high output cartridge. There are better cartridges but all are low output moving coils. The grado reference 4.8mv version or the benz m2, while they have suffient output for the marantz 7, they are not the sonic equal of the statement.

I do have a solution. What you need is additional gain, and the way to accomplish this is with a stepup transformer.
Now, these can get very expensive, but there is a very nice one from EAR called the MC3 which is reasonably priced at $995. This is different from an outboard phono preamp as the stepup transformer doesn't have a RIAA network, which you don't need, as you already have the RIAA network in your existing phono section. You can get more info at the EAR USA web site as well as a list of dealers. If you do decide to go this route, this is one time I would strongly reccomend that you purchase it thru a dealer who will help you set it up and optimize/integrate it into your system.