A most neutral and transparent power cord

Hi.I have been reading all the interesting topics about cables for the past while.Can i get you votes for a most neutral and transparent PC for around 200 new or used...THANKS!!!
Psychicanimal, what did the cryo treatment do for the the Absolute Power Cord? Where do you have your cords treated?
I like the TG SLVR as well, but it's nowhere near the price mentioned originally.

I third the VH Audio, as well as give enthusiastic recommends to Aural Thrills (www.auralthrillsaudio.com). I have 2 Silver Big Ones in my systems (one in main, one in second), and they are incredible for little money.

The VH Audio cables come in 3 different flavors, so they can be tailored to the usage (grounded/ungrounded source, etc.).

Either one is a real winner in my book....ummmm, system.