John Dunlavy On "Cable Nonsense"

Food for thought...
I'm not horrified, nor do I need any comfort, but I do feel sorry for you. I can't help but notice you have chosen a hobby that begins and ends with the ear, yet yours don't appear to function the same way mine do. Pity. It's about like eyesight. I can see better then most too, the only difference is that there isn't anything like an eyechart to test the difference and show you what you are missing. Oh well, even if I spend more money on cables than you do, I trust my ears and will take them over yours any day! Enjoy your music.
Funny Plasmatronic that you can't make up your mind between TMC interconnects and Radio Shack gold terminal interconnects.
Why not, they all sound alike right? Must be the color.
I think we can get this thread to 200 if we really try.
Those Arthur Salvatore thread guys won't know what hit 'em.
Go team!
Most people would like to believe in magic, to have super natural powers. Imagine the satisfaction of being able to hear things so subtle that they are even beyond the tremendous power of todays equipment to measure. You too can experience this thrill! All you need is faith and money, brother. Soon, you will be hearing differences in the molecular structure of your interconnects and the improvement of setting your gear on little pointy things. You are surrounded here at Audiogon with believers who will show you the way.