Audio Tekne

Recently aquired 2 brand new pairs of Audio Tekne rca interconnects. I am letting them burn in on a secondary system until they are good and cooked, then I will put them on my primary system and listen. Does anyone have any listening experience with these? I could not find any references to them here on the Cable threads.
Ag insider logo xs@2xsnooker14
I have one system with complete Audio Tekne cabling. I like them alot but have never compared them to anything else. I hope some other people comment on these.Snooker let us know what you think as you continue to listen.
They are the best cables I have used to date. They replaced or bettered Nordost,siltech,JPS, and synergistic cables. They seemed to make the sound crystal clear. A great attribute is there size and pliability compared to the other cumbersome cables.
I've had the Audio Tekne through out my system for the past year and a half. I will be doing an extensive comparison with 6-10 different brands at different price points. So far in my experience of maybe 5 interconnects they out preform all but one, and that was 9 times the cost. I can tell you I just replaced my speaker cables with NBS Statement cables, about 7 times the cost. The NBS is better, but the margin is small and the price difference is huge. I've said for the past year that Audio Tekne is the best cable value in our hobby, with-in a month I'll post my findings to see if that claim holds up.
I found the Audio Tekne speaker cables to be shockingly good, absolutely amazing. I have used HT, Analysis Plus, Cardas, etc. I hated to part with them (loaner) but since I trade gear often (hobby, fun) and don't think they have much of a resale market (yet), and the price was rather high (albeit a good value), I had to pass on them. Sonicly, they were superb.