Cable suggestions? Opinions needed...

I'm looking for ICs and speaker cable for my first good system... I know next to nothing about this! I have Green Mountain Audio 1.5 speakers & a Rogue Tempest Magnum integrated. I assume neutral cables would be best, no? I was thinking about DH Labs & Zu (maybe Zu Julian spk cables & DH Labs BL-1 Mk 2 ics). I'd appreciate any input I can get. TIA.

Also, any opinions on DH Labs D-75 digital cable?
I suggest Audio Magic Sorcerer current-production products, or higher on up their line. Are they the best? Who knows? But they are indeed extraordinary in their resolution, grace and silence.
Roy Johnson
Green Mountain Audio
I just added ZU Wax speaker cables (bought used from an Audiogon seller) and think they are the best $400 I have ever spent on my system. I have heard that the Julian is comparable. I highly recommend this cable brand. Absolutely buy used though. You will pay one-quarter the price of new.
If you are still looking around for cable auditions, I suggest trying Signal Cables. I bi-wired my Soliloquy 5.3's, and the Signals were FAR better than the Zu Wax cables I tried. Everything came to the front, much wider soundstage, more detailed (the drums now sound like drums, not thuddy), and I find I am listening to songs I was previously skipping over.
Jena labs have been the best cables in my system by far. I was using HMS which were very fast detailed but didn't have the rich dynamic unveiling characteristics of the Jena Labs( Symphony's).
I have nothing bad to say about all of you who decide to spend,
I'm assuming, your hard earned money on rediculously overpriced
cable. If you only knew what you are really paying for I don't think
you'd go that route, but it's your money. I've been at this hobby for over 30 years and I work part time at a HI-FI store and I get to take
home a lot of equipment including cables. In my opinion THE
BEST KEPT SECRET in unbalanced interconnects are from
Mogami. Nothing special to look at, no garden hose insulation or
super heavy duty clamp on RCA's, pa-leez. And you won't believe
the price, next to nothing. I believe once you discover these cables
you'll be amazed at how they sound and how much money you'll
have left to spend on say, OVERPRICED CD's. It doesn't matter if
your system is mid-fi or hi-end if you can find them give em a try.
And if you can't I know where you can.