Audiophile's New Year Resolutions?

Ok, I've spent a small fortune upgrading this past year (again). I am satisfied with all my current equipment. Plinius SA250 MKIV, Audio Research REF 2, Meridian 508.24 CDP, Dynaudio Contour 3.3's, NBS Monitor I speaker and XLR ic's, Black Diamond Shelves, Viper Powersnakes, etc. I do not need anything else. My system sounds great. I can be quite satisfied with what I have for at least a few years.

I will not logon to Audiogon daily, just to check the new classified listings. I can't imagine my system sounding any better. (Although, I'd like to get shorter speaker cables and maybe check out a dac and there's all those hundreds of albums that I always took extra care not to scratch that a new turnatable...)Oops!

Happy New Year!
I promise to buy only music I need.....and take me medication to help my addiction to music.....I didn't get the new Jan Arden-"Greatest Hurts" for Xmas and I need the new Barenaked Ladies and ..and.and...oh help me.....I'm over 1200 cds,,,and the vinyl.....maybe if I only buy two cd's a month and the odd vinyl it will be a slow withdrawal? Happy and an awesome new 2002 to everyone....good health and good fortune, good where is my glass of michurinetz? Nice medication.....cheers
The only thing thats changing in my system in 2002 is tubes. Of course if there is an offer too good to pass up maybe.....?????

Happy New Year to all my Audiogon friends. I learned a lot from you guys this year ! Thanks!
I think my goal for 2002 will be to experiment with and to make the most of a couple of digital room correction products. I have the Behringer 8024 in house right now and I need to figure out how to properly utilize its many features and modes of operation. I also plan on trying the new TacT 2.2X to see how much difference the (relatively) big bucks can buy. I see digital room correction as a big plus for home audio and I think the time has come to welcome it and get in on the benefits. These devices now seem to be transparent enough that the improvements appear to outweigh any negatives by far. Happy New Year to All!
My resolution is not to make any resolutions. I intend to continue to enjoy this hobby and this website throughout the coming year.
I usually tell people I gave up New Year's Resolutions for Lent (and vise versa).