Need a TERRIFIC phono stage at a GREAT Price?

I needed a Very good MC/MM phono stage but I didn't want to spend a fortune. After some research I found WILLIAMS HART Electronics located in Wales. I bought the kit version of the 1450 Shunt Feedback RIAA phono stage along with the ADANTE high performance power supply for Appx. $325 US shipped. In a word "outstanding". Smooth,detailed,airy without grain and quiet, extremely quiet. Do yourself a favor and check out the web site ( You can thank me later.
NO, I simply bought one of these kit's and found it to be an outstanding product. I can see how this could look like an ad but I did not know of another way to pass along the information.
I know, but you are in Audiogon...

The phono stage you refer to is highly regarded among the DIY brigade in European audio forums.

Just remember, you are in Audiogon...