Nordost vs NBS

I am looking for anyone who has direct comparisons between these two brands in terms system matching and which might make the best interconnect cable purchase for tube components like Audio Research.
Disclosure first = We are a Nordost Reference dealer and numerous other brands, not NBS. I was very reluctant to comment on this question as this could be construed the wrong way. But I felt so strongly that I will try to make this as objective as I can.

First, there is virtually no science behind NBS, it is an ex-car-salesman running the show. That should be enough said right there. So if they do get something right it is purely by happenstance. Needless to say their pricing is ridiculous.

Second, Nordost has the research and technology to back up their claims.

We have compared the various price levels of both cables in our reference systems. A couple of our staff prefer the NBS cables. The majority prefer the Nordost. The Nordost reference level cables are the most neutral sounding cables on the market - bar none! We can detect NO sonic signature and NO "house" sound from them. We see far to many situations where clients are using cables to "tune" their systems and by jumping from one cable manufacturer to another all they are really getting is one "house" sound for another.

In summary, if you want to stop the cable merry-go-round I would encourage you to consider the Nordost reference level cables and you will finally and clearly hear your Audio Research gear as it was designed to be heard and get the very most out of your entire system. Then you may change your gear with clear conscious that you ARE listening to the gear and speakers finally and decide what sound best suits your taste. The Nordost may scare you initially on hook-up. You are finally hearing your actual system, some clients are really frightened by what they hear. Don't panic you can always change gear. We strongly advise to do it one piece at a time - so you keep track of what you are hearing.

Apologies to the group for getting on my soapbox with the length of the message.
I had Nordost SPM XLR interconnects that were used with a Audio Research Ref. 1 preamp to a Plinius SA100 MKIII amp. I tried the NBS Monitor I XLR interconnect and felt that the NBS had a more natural tonal balance, the soundstage was more clearly defined with a finer sense of air around the instruments, they were also more revealing without being bright. The bass sound improved as well. I found the Nordost SPM's a bit more forward with a slight edge to the treble. I also have the NBS Monitor III speaker cables, which I also prefered to the Nordost SPM for many of the same reasons. Needless to say, I now have NBS cables and sold the Nordost. However, that's how they sound on my system, to my ears. You really need to try both and decide what sounds best to you. Remember:"Music is in the ears of the beholder!" Ross
After trying a LOT of very well respected cables in my system, for me it came down to a choice between NBS Monitor 0 and Purist Dominus, and I have mixed-and-matched them depending on component changes. (They work very well together.) I eventually wound up with a Dominus between my preamp (Lamm) and power amps (Classe), and NBS Monitor 0 digital and speaker cables and source-to-preamp connections. The one Nordost interconnect cable I tried (Quattro Fils) left me pretty unimpressed, but I certainly would be willing to try a more recent and higher end Nordost cable sometime. I am particularly unimpressed by dealer claims that this cable manufacturer whose products he happens to sell has "science" to back up his overpriced product, while that one is a used car salesman. This does a disservice to all of us in this subjective, unscientific hobby, who do it because we love music, not science.
Hi Everyone,
Had to respond, no I haven't raced the Nordost directly to the NBS, but have heard the two in a friends system I'm quite familiar with, I have to agree with Rosstaman. The sound had a better flow to it and just sounded more organic (weird description I know),it just sounded more real with the NBS. I would also like to comment that even though Walter Fields takes a beating especially from dealers, he has always been a perfect gentleman to deal with. I don't know his past but he does make some pretty good sounding cables,yes they are hideously priced but what cable isn't anymore? I have also heard some cables from company's that have substantial R&D departments and thier cables don't sound anymore revolutionary than some of the DIY's.
Sdrconsultant: First you say that you will try to be objective and then the first comment is to dismiss NBS because he used to work as a car salesman (perhaps being a car salesman should be included as part of the criminal record!) Did you even know that Mark Levinson didn't even have an engineering degree? ( I think that he didn't even have a college degree) Maybe we should dismiss his Levinson and Cello products also! Some companies hire engineers to do their research, have you considered that?