Does my acoustic ideology make me an outcast?

I tend to represent the younger crowd and have always found myself at odds with most Audiophiles. I like my music with heavy bass lines, thick mid bass, and sparkling highs.
Not your Andre Bose type stuff, I still believe in accurate reproduction of sound. I just believe a system should be able to mimic any thing from gunshots to whispers - with all the bandwidth and clarity it deserves.

Somehow I never heard that kind of action from a pair of 901's. So, am I the new generation kicking out the old while they cry, kick, and scream? Or could I just be the next evolution of audio..... even 8 tracks were the sh** when they came out, right?

Synesthesia Studios
Only clueless people think Bose is something to aspire to. Usually when I tell someone I don't know I have a nice system they ask if it's a Bose. After hearing that I know there is not much point in discussing audio with this person. Some people are so clueless/brainwashed that they can't believe there is actually something better than Bose. I guess having a huge advertising budget really does work on the uninitiated.
I have never heard Bose speakers on a really good system, ie amp, preamp, source etc. Plus I have not heard any recent Bose home speaker models. SO I will reserve judgement somewhat.

Bose 901s are only somewhat more expensive than back in the day when they were objects of lust for many. They cost way less than most current top of the line high end speakers. Fair comparisons should be apples and apples.

Over the holidays, I stayed at a fairly luxurious Manhattan hotel. I noticed an array of specialized elongated white Bose wall mount speaker columns providing the music in the lounge, which itself was elongated, 3-4 stories tall and all marble and glass. I doubt this hotel skimped on getting good sound (for most) in that room in that the venue including the lounge is quite high end, even by Manhattan standards. They did the job pretty well, at least for casual background listening. The system must have been professionally installed to get sound that good in a room like that, which should have been echo city but in fact was quite the opposite. I was surprised to be somewhat impressed and able to enjoy the sound (something I can rarely say about sound on most lounge/bar venues I have experienced in recent years) though it was nothing like what one might hear at home with a more full range setup. So maybe Bose is not all bad for certain applications. I have heard lots of bad Bose speaker sound over the years. Not only Bose but other "mid-fi" type brands over the years. Gotta compare apples and apples in all fairness. Also I have heard their on ear headphones and though I thought the build quality was less than stellar, the sound seemed competitive at teh price point perhaps.
01-03-13: Mapman, When I first got started in audio - I made a lot of money making apples sound like oranges.

A lot can be said for talent, and yes, you can polish a turd. In fact, it was my ability to make audio magic with audio crap, that made me very well known as the guy to go to for the impossible.

One time I entered an automotive SQ competition on a dare...... using only parts available at Radio Shack. And you know what? I ended up winning 1st place. I wish you could have seen the faces in the crowd that day when - after winning - I stood up and informed them of what I had done! (They made me rip my car apart to prove it.)

While competing in a different car and setup for SPL I managed to piss off people left and right, one guy even threw his keys at me! He was so upset that he had lost to me and literally spent 10 times what I had.

There was a time when knowledge was worth more than gold, to bad he had more gold than knowledge.

I guess what I'm getting at is that money isn't necessarily the cure all for quality audio, that takes talent and knowledge.

I'm sorry for the ego in my answers but I'm afraid that it comes with the territory. And I truly believe there are untold hoards of people that are much more talented than I am. Hence my interest in Audiogon. But hey I'm just calling it as I see it.

Synesthesia Studios
Can't put a price on good old fashioned know-how.......

On of the best sounds I heard at a recent audio show were a pair of small DIY full range open baffle speakers. The DIY guys provided a schematic. About $500 or less of parts. A real eye opener! Sounded great with Green Day or classical!

REcent proof to me that a little know-how can go a long way
I suggest you look into high-efficiency, SET setups. Compared to those, most big rigs are sluggish and often bloated