Does my acoustic ideology make me an outcast?

I tend to represent the younger crowd and have always found myself at odds with most Audiophiles. I like my music with heavy bass lines, thick mid bass, and sparkling highs.
Not your Andre Bose type stuff, I still believe in accurate reproduction of sound. I just believe a system should be able to mimic any thing from gunshots to whispers - with all the bandwidth and clarity it deserves.

Somehow I never heard that kind of action from a pair of 901's. So, am I the new generation kicking out the old while they cry, kick, and scream? Or could I just be the next evolution of audio..... even 8 tracks were the sh** when they came out, right?

Synesthesia Studios
Andre Bose is a second cousin to Dr. Amar Bose, who sells his knock-off speakers in the mall, right next to Rudolph Lauren.
"What people should be paying for is skill not brand names, and maybe, just maybe, that can make "Made in the U.S.A." great again."

Agree about paying for skill.

PRoblem is, many skilled (and proven) engineers in developed countries do not come cheap. There are exceptions though. I know of at least one or two in the US. Sure there are many more.....
what is an "acoustic ideology" ?

is it of a political nature ?

i have never heard the term before, so perhaps you could define it for me. thanks.
First of all, thank you all for comments, it's been a long time since I've been able to talk to any one that even had a clue about what I was saying......

01-09-13: Mapman, "Made In The U.S.A." is a thought I just had, as I was just finishing up some mods on a new Maverick 88 12 ga., and was pleasantly greeted by the "Made In The U.S.A." logo on the gun. I kinda wish we could do better than weapons, but hey it's a start.

01-09-13: Mrtennis, I believe it has to be of a political nature, as Ideology, is usually introduced through society and interaction thereof. I would define it as such, and introduce Acoustics, and how one has experienced it in their lifetime. Add the two together and you get someone that, through his/her own experiences, has specific views on the subject of acoustics which, don't always go along with the normal or current definition(s) of acoustic standards. I think... anyway.

Synesthesia Studios