brulee fails PC challenge

Big mouth brulee failed the PC challenge. Never had any doubts that the better PCs could make a difference. I know they can and do. Thought I would give it a try just to make sure big mouth knew what he was talking about. There was no pressure. I was all alone. Switched out the FIM PCs and put in a couple Beldon PCs. Just as I thought. The magic was gone. This is going to be easy I said to myself. Put the FIM back in and it sounded as bad as the Beldon. Images were stuck to the face of the speaker and was very dry sounding. Next day I listened again and all the magic was back. Big, liquid, flowing music was back. Swapped them out again and same thing happened. How can I take on this PC challenge when it takes the next day or at least several hours before the FIM PC comes around. I failed this test. I am convinced PCs make a subtle to dramatic difference but I still failed the challenge. I am very happy no one was there to say "I told you so". I am a believer in PC but what can be said of someone who constantly touts the benefits of PCs and then fails the PC challenge. I'm glad my friend Jhunter was not around. Any ideas to keep things stable? PCs do make an improvement, just ask the guy who failed the PC challenge. Any help would be appreciated.
I think Asa writes for the Federal Government, perhaps helping to draft the taxcode? I could see him going on and on for 40,000 pages or so...reading the 6-27 above, I just kept thinking "your point being?"...there's something to be said for being concise and to the point, rather than hiding behind words.
Is it my imagination, or does Eber chime into discussions only when he thinks he sees an easy mark, as in something that's a little different - or, a little different from him? Didn't Eber become sparse in these pages about two months ago, right about at the same time that some members were warned about their combativeness and rudeness?


Basically, I think it is cowardly to criticize in a combative and demeaning manner without addressing content.

There are many different people in this world, and in this audio world, and it is best to be tolerant of those who communicate differently than ourselves if that communication is honest and forthright.

Actually, some of the ideas in the above piece were previously published in the Absolute Sound, and most recently, in Ultimate Audio magazine.

I'm sorry that Eber can not understand the content of the above to a sufficient degree to respond, or that he thinks he should impose his own ideas on what is proper discourse on this page, or that he is just mean-spirited and gets an anonymous rush from insiting discord in those around him.

But, if he can not respond to content, or lacks the cognitive agility to do so, he should keep his childish games to himself.
Wooooaaaah!!! In a (probably vain) attempt to avoid the impending melt-down of this post, I will try to rapidly to engage Brulee back to the point of his post. The only way to test any component is to live with it for a month and reflect on how much you are enjoying the music. This is long enough for any burnt-in component. The quick ABX is irrelevant for loads of reasons, except as a useful tool to eliminate the obviously awful (help me here guys.....).
Brulee, interesting point you are making. Did not read the above statements, but am glad to tell you, that I had the exact same experience, mentioned it here at Audiogon and got quite a bit of ridicule from the so called objectionist camp. Regards,
Brulee, what about comparing your FIM or even the Beldens to the stock cords that came with your gear? I thought that A/B swapping between stock and a DIY Belden, there was an immediate improvement in the quality of the sound. My wife was the control, and she agreed, so there are at least two other people in the world who think power cords make a difference.