Which IC is more important?

I don't know if this has been addressed specifically before, but I couldn't find it searching thru the cables forum. At the risk of being redundant, I'll put this forward to the community.

Looking at a CDP - line stage - amp sequence, which of the two IC's is more critical? Any reason, scientific or other, as to why? What have your experiences been in using different IC's in these places (ie. type of IC, quality, cost, etc.)?

Looking forward to hearing about your experiences.
I had a really long and juicy post to make, but now I feel somewhat stifled and just can't move on with it. Oh well.
Mapleleaf, being one of the people that typically makes "long winded posts", I quite honestly did not feel flattered in the least by your comments. I found your reply kind of rude and insulting to some of the others that tried to pass on some short and simple "pearls of wisdom". Obviously, i was not alone in these feelings.

You need to realize that there are some statements that can be said very eloquently and to the point. These are typically self explanatory so long as one can think for themselves. As such, i am GREATFUL for those that are gifted with intelligence and the ability to convey their ideas in short and simple statements. I, on the other hand, typically try to spell things out for those that may not have "been there / done that" as of yet. The "fans" of "short & sweet" posts probably find me "wordy" at the least. Both types of posts have their place and neither is better / more important than the other. It is one of those things that makes this place an excellent source of information with a variety of flavours.

If you don't care for some specific style of post ( short of flames and namecalling ), just remember that even roses have thorns. Look for the good and you won't have to worry about the bad.

As to looking for specific suggestions as to cabling & placement, i think that 97% of the regulars would agree that building a system is almost completely a matter of "trial and error". Since SOOOO much is up to personal taste and dependent on the specific system, NOBODY can lay out an ABSOLUTE "blueprint" for what works best where. There are many times that i ( and i'm sure others ) have picked up "the latest & greatest" cable to use between component A and component B and found out that it works MUCH better between component X and component Y. Without trial & error / experimentation, we would have never found that out.

Part of knowing what is "good" and what is "bad" is hearing the differences for yourself. While it would be nice to not have to study or do any work and still "ace the test", unfortunately, that is NOT the case with this hobby. While it is true that we can all learn from each other, YOU really should experience the "growing pains" of audio. Besides being a large part of this enjoyable hobby, it will also help you to more fully appreciate your "work of art" when it is near completion. Sean
I normally posts pretty short, but I will stretch this one out for you. Try both and see what you like. Try both and see what you like. Try both and see what you like. Try both and see what you like. Try both and see what you like. Try both and see what you like. Try both and see what you like. Try both and see what you like. Try both and see what you like. Try both and see what you like. Try both and see what you like. Try both and see what you like. Try both and see what you like.Try both and see what you like. Try both and see what you like.
If none of the above works......Try both and see what you like. Long enough for you?
You may also want to try not insulting people that try to help you.
Mapleleaf, Sean is absolutely right!!!!!Most of us have spent alot of time and money putting our rigs together and have grown to appreciate our accomplishments.How long have you been into this audio thang anyway???You obviously don't understand when others are trying to help or you would be more respectfull of you're fellow peers........We're all tring to reach that same place,so lets have some fun and enjoy the experience.......
Mapleleaf,RGD post is all you need to know.If you cant grasp the concept stop wasting your time.ITS that simple.Sorry we cant complicate it for you to wrap yourself around.
Its the audio truth that again most cant handle the truth.
If the audio world was based on truth there would be no cd palyers around and we would all have tube amps.