Which IC is more important?

I don't know if this has been addressed specifically before, but I couldn't find it searching thru the cables forum. At the risk of being redundant, I'll put this forward to the community.

Looking at a CDP - line stage - amp sequence, which of the two IC's is more critical? Any reason, scientific or other, as to why? What have your experiences been in using different IC's in these places (ie. type of IC, quality, cost, etc.)?

Looking forward to hearing about your experiences.
Mapleleaf, Sean is absolutely right!!!!!Most of us have spent alot of time and money putting our rigs together and have grown to appreciate our accomplishments.How long have you been into this audio thang anyway???You obviously don't understand when others are trying to help or you would be more respectfull of you're fellow peers........We're all tring to reach that same place,so lets have some fun and enjoy the experience.......
Mapleleaf,RGD post is all you need to know.If you cant grasp the concept stop wasting your time.ITS that simple.Sorry we cant complicate it for you to wrap yourself around.
Its the audio truth that again most cant handle the truth.
If the audio world was based on truth there would be no cd palyers around and we would all have tube amps.
Mapleleaf - offended no, surpised...a little. I very much appreciate those who have come to my or for that matter the defense of those who post in a "short and sweet" manner. Mapleleaf will hopefully see that there are many here that offer excellent but detailed responses to questions (Redkiwi, Dekay, Trelja, Megasam, Sean, etal) - forgive me for not making the list longer as I do not see the need to run off at the mouth... but there are many posters who can express their opinions with less attention to detail and still get the point across.

My advice to you is to read them all, garnish what you will or can and be thankful that someone took the time to help...
There isn't anything left to do but apologize. I did not intend to offend, but I obviously did. For that, I am sincerely saddened by what I have done and ask all for your forgiveness, especially RGD.

I think sometimes I log onto this site too late in the night, after work and kids are done and put to bed, and fatigue and bad moods can shape the way I read into certain posts. I'm not offering this as an excuse, but perhaps as context for my last comments.

I cannot undo or retract what I have already said. I hope you all do believe I am sincerely sorry though. ALL advice is appreciated as I am grateful for your time in even looking at my threads. I will improve my own attitude for future correspondence.

Again, please accept my heartfelt apologies. I hope none of you hold this against me and will continue to dialogue with me, so that I may continue to learn.
Sorry I was a little harsh myself with my last post.
It really starts at the source.Dont let anyone tell you otherwise.
Go to www.uhfmag.com and take the 20 minute course to HIFI.Very Informative.