Time for a new turntable......

I need some suggestions or opinions from some of you analog lovers out there. I am ready to upgrade my analog front end. At the present time I have a Denon 47F, Grado Sonata cartridge, and Lehmann Black Cube. I can get a great deal on a Basis 1400 w/ Rega 300 tonearm and another Grado Sonata. I was giving the opportunity to have the Basis in my system already and did an A/B comparison with my Denon. The Basis was better but my Denon held up surprisingly well. The Basis had a blacker background and the noise level was lower. Now, with all that being said I have been doing some research and looked into the Teres Turntable. These are very sharp looking turntables and the owners seem to think very highly of them. A lot of owners also seem to be using this turntable with the Origin upgraded arm. My question for you all to ponder and consider is; will the entry level Teres with the upgraded Origin arm give me a bigger leap then the Basis 1400? Also, do you think the Origin and Sonata will be a good match. I really like this cartridge and would still like to use it. Other tables I am considering are Rega 25, VPI Scout or a used HP III or IV.

Any suggestions or comments are greatly appreciated. None of these tables are available locally so I am unable to audition them.

Thanks guys!

Of course, you would expect TWL to chime in on this one. The Basis 1400 is a very good entry level TT. Many are happy with it and I would not knock it at all.

Having said that, the Teres TT is not an entry level TT. It may be priced like one, but that is where the similarities end. First, it is more complex, because it does not come with an arm, and with the kit you have to assemble it. But you can get it already assembled. It is not hard to do.

Secondly, the performance level cannot at all be compared to items like the 1400, Solution, Scout, Gyrodec, etc. The Teres, even the basic model, is worlds ahead of that. It is more in the league with the Basis 2500, TNT, ClearAudio Standard Reference , etc.

If you move up to the wood/lead shot type base on the Teres, you go even into higher territory.

I know that many think that I am just hyping this table 'cause I've got one. Wrong. I've got one 'cause it performs.

I just upgraded to the wood/lead base, and it really added tremendous weight and authority to the bottom end, which is a little lean with the acrylic base. Anyone considering this price for a TT, MUST consider the Teres.

Look, it makes no difference to me what TT you buy. I'm just telling you that the Teres is in the league with the top tables at an entry level price. What you do is your business.

With this table and an Origin Live modded RB250, or OL Silver Tonearm, and your choice of cart, this will give you more for your money than anything at twice the price, or more.

This is no joke or hype. Just good solid advice. You can take it or leave it.
Any rega, esp. P9 with a cardas wired arm should be a good step up, in my opinion. I used to have a Denon table years (about 16 years) ago and thought it was great, until I heard a demo with a Rega. I then went to a Rega Planar 3 and it was much better. I like low output Benz (Glider or better) cartridges with the Benz PP-1 moving coil phono section.
If your budget permits the Michell Gyrodeck SE II is a great turntable at $ 1795.00 less arm. The best value I have found is the new Sumiko Project RM-9 - $1495.00 with an excellent carbon fiber arm tube and an outboard motor.Go to www.sumikoaudio.com for pictures and detailed specs. I have developed some tweaks for these tables that elevate the performance to a very high level.
