Skeptical no more

A while back I started a thread called " power cords-snake oil? ".I,like I'm sure a lot of others, was skeptical that different power cords could make much of a difference.Since then, based on feedback I received here, I decided to upgrade my stock cords with all new ones from Dedicated Audio, the "pds", moderately priced but very well constructed cords. They really do make a big difference, I'm really very pleasantly surprised.I do still doubt, however, that spending hundreds more on even heavier, fancier cords could make that much more of a difference. I mean, I see one cord costing more than I spent on several. There has got to be a limit of diminishing returns, right ?(Well maybe I am still a little skeptical after all).
I had tried a power cord (even though I couldn't believe it could make any difference) and was also surprised just how much it changed the sound. I now have 3 'cheap' ($60/$100) cords and am glad I have them to play with. (one Asylum charity cord, two Zucables)
I have an Asylum cord on my preamp power supply.To me,it just makes the music sound more enjoyable.I cant really put my finger on why,but does it matter?