kimber select 3033 speakercable?

how is this cable sound?
is it better than the "monocle xl"?
I´m curious to know how they compare to the BiFocal XL and
also other cables like Tara Air. I´m currently using a double run of AudioTruth Argent between my DNA-1 dlx and Magneplanar 3.6/R´s.
Yes. The 3033 is better in all regards than the Monocle XL

To me, the 3033's are more life like than any highend Audioquest cable. I have used AQ Argent, Clear, Sterling, and Dragon. While the 3033 is close in many regards to the AQ, I've found the AQ to have a tone which sounds a bit "nasal" when compared to 3033. Kimbers 3033 is of course all copper vs. these AQ's which are (except for Dragon) silver/copper hybrid, thus it is easy to imagine how the 3033 could sound richer.. but... I don't think the 3033 is a rich sounding cable by any means... it's thin, fast and precise like the AQ except has more accurate or life like phrasing.

Even though this is a copper cable, it does not have the bold richness and tight bass of something like Cardas Golden Cross. In fact, I think the bass of the 3033 cable is a little wimpy.

If you jump up the ladder to 3035, you'll hear midrange vocals that sound like flesh! The texture is so real its scary -- the 3035's are an astonishing cable -- but still not as rich (in the bass) as the Golden Cross.

I am not a huge fan of Tara Air cables. To me they sound smeared. I've never tried BiFocal XL's since I immediately presumed that the Kimber Select was better. My speakers are Tri-wire capable and Todd at Kimber has recommended that I use Bi-Focal XL for the highs and mids and a run of KS-3035 for the low frequency. To me, that is a waste of the 3035. So.. what I did was run a length of Cardas Golden Cross to the Low Frequency and a run of KS-3035 to the Mids with a KS-9038 (3038) jumper to the highs.

Now my speakers have that organic richness, phenominal deep bass (I've never heard bass which was more "right" than with the Golden Cross) and sparkling highs. Pretty good solution for me and the first time I ever appreciated having Tri-Wire speakers since this solution wouldn't work
Is there a cable that's as close to the KS -3035 without the high price? I've been told to try the 26 to 30 AWG electromagnet wire for speaker wire. I think this is real strange, but I'm willing to try. Ever since I got horns with my SET's I've been dealing with the nasel sound. I'm thinking trying speaker cable upgrades,cause I've been using Analysis plus silver. Should I sell the AP and try some copper?
Close to the KS-3035's without the high price? Strangely enough I would have to suggest the 3033's as being the closest without the "high" price. I think a pair of 3033's can be picked up for 1000 or so used. As a matter of fact, check out on their sales page, they have a pair of 12' 3033's for less than I've ever seen them. All cables have their own family sound and Kimber Select is no exception. The difference between 3033 and 3035 is significant but somehow they are the same. I know that sounds silly but it's true.

I've never heard of Electromagnet wire for speakers... seems interesting though. IF you can get some cheap, it might be worth a listen but I wouldn't know what to expect.

For speaker cables, I think copper provides the richest sound possible. Cardas Golden Reference is a fast cable but still has that rich midrange bloom w/loads of detail. It's a good bet in the 1200 price range (used).

Many people like Silver cables but I've found them to be a little too much when used as speaker cables. They work great as interconnects (where the voltage is lower than in speaker cables) to preserve the fine detail.

Silver plated copper seems to "ring" or sound MORE nasal than pure silver cable. Aren't Analysis Plus cables silver plated copper? Acutually the only silver plated cable I've heard which doesn't ring is Nordost SPM but.. it too will sound thin and bright compared to pure copper.
I've had Kimber Bifocal XL and 3033 in my system. While they are both good, they lack refinement; and are slighty grainy on top. The 3033 was slightly better in MY system, but to me it was not worth the difference in price; specially when it will cost you more to Bi-wire. I agree that the 3035 has the family resemblance of the other Kimbers, but it is more than twice as good as the 3033 in my opinion. The grain is gone, and clarity, refinement and speed are added....for a price!

Last time I shopped for cables I did a shoot out in my own system : Kimber Bifocal XL, 3033, AudioMagic Sorcerer and
Straight Wire Cresendo. The Cresendo was way better than the others in every respect, incuding state of the art bass and no grain (I never have heard any Cardas in my system). The Cresendo compares in price with the 3033.

I heard the 3035's at my local dealer,but did not take them home since I could'nt afford them at the time. I got the cresendos and almost imediately got to try Acousic Zen Satori (0nly $600/6ft. pr. retail). In MY system they TOTALY destroyed the Cersendos. They had the same base, they had the same palpability of images; but they separated everything better with an uncanny pinpoint accuracy (it made it very easy to define location and distance), Even better coherence (something the Cresendo is very good at)and an amazing extension in the upper registers that made everything but the 3035 sound dark...little tinckling sounds like bells and triangles FLOATED with incredible clarity and presision.

I sold the Cresendos at a loss, and still had money left in my pocket. I took the Acoustic Zen to the local Kimber dealer to compare it to the 3035's . We swithed in 3 different systems, tube and solid state with several speakers. The Satori was better in all systems but one.
A combination of of Rouge (tube) and Canton speakers took
some flesh out of the mid's. I noticed this in my system as a very slight leaness in the upper bass, so it can be a little system dependent. I've heard Nordost Quattro-Fil described in this fashion(Slight leanness),and I've also heard of a lot of people selling their Nordost and getting the Satori.

This is only my opinion! As always, try everything you can get you're hands on. My system: Micromega Sage 3 CD, Melos SHA-1 Hybred PRE, LLANO DESIGN (White Audio Lab)Hybred Amp, PS Audio P-300, Acoustic Zen interconnect and speaker cable, and PC's by BMI and Electraglide.