kimber select 3033 speakercable?

how is this cable sound?
is it better than the "monocle xl"?
I used to own Ensemble Megaflux. I purchased after believing all the HYPE given to this product line by both the West Coast and East Coast Ensemble dealers. Truthfully? It's not that great. Sakahara, to claim that Megaflux is better than some of the cables you mention (especially Audio Note) I've got to question your motives... I noticed you posted Ensemble "ads" quite a few times this evening.

I found the Ensemble to be decent cable... Similar to something like Harmonic Technologies Pro 9 or Tara Labs RSC Air. Nothing spectacular. Just shielded copper cable.

I listened for myself and then bought something else.
Theres always a few in the crowd, and thats good. But I'm only telling it like I hear it, from my experience. Period! I have no ulterior motives whatsoever. No one is forcing or paying me to say this. I am only spreading the good word. I am a music lover and high end audio addict [neurotic, obsessive, perfectionist] who wants to spend a reasonable amount of hard earned savings to attain quality music and is elated to discover a cable that radically changed my listening window-which is by the way, sparkling clean.
Once the Ensemble cables were in place, my passion for music erupted. It was reignited after going slightly stale for a year with my other cables. And the most notable affect it had on me was expanding my musical tastes, influences like, Jazz, Jazz/Vocals, Country, Bluesgrass, etceteras. I spent almost $400 on new CD's in a month- something I have never done. And isn't that what it's all about- the music??
The Ensemble cables brought my system to life. It sounded stunning. Well beyond what my prior cables and PC's gave me, and they cannot touch the level of realism and low level details that I am hearing now.
My thoughts are based on my 11 years [2 cents worth], and especially just the last 2 years, with more serious [expensive] refinements of my system. It's fueled by that hunger for more purity in the musical playback and the release of the emotional content that bonds us with the music and makes us passionate for it; it is why we have this obsession. And it is that that made me so excited about this new cable; the inner emtional contentI do not doubt that there may be another cable to satisfy me as the Ensembles did, but it might cost much more to get it. But as I mentioned, let your ears and the cable be the judge. Not everyone will agree. As was in your case, you were not satisfied-it's bound to happen. But based on your reply, you said you only had the Megaflux speaker cable. Perhaps you were not happy because your IC was in the way. Even though this post is regarding the persons interest in the KS 3033 speaker cable, and my post does relate to that, there is more emphasis on the combination of the Dynaflux FSF IC, the Megaflux FSF Speaker Cable and the Mega Powerflux PC's as a whole in relation to the KS cables and Black Mambas. I had many good things to say about KS, but I could not deny what I was hearing from the Ensemble. Its that simple. I will add that the Ensemble speaker cable just leveled out everything. It was not as dramatic an improvement as the IC and PC's were. But it still was in a league of its own and like nothing I have heard in my system. When I said that the previous cables and PC's sounded like the singer had a sock in their mouth and the musicians were behind a thick wall of fabric, I was not being facetious. It was meant only to be slightly humorous, but very serious. My investment was just put to shame. And all the glorious praise I gave them, faded away in a minute. Believe me when I say, the last thing I wanted to do was to throw away my cable investment. But after the change, I could not possibly go back.
I'm not forcing anyone to buy this cable, unlike many cable manufacturers with their suffocating advertising, dealer incentive deals, pay offs and biased reviews because of the designers name or the product label. I just felt compelled to offer my experience to someone asking for it and hoped that they would audition the cables I recommended and perhaps have the same wonderful experience that I had.
And does it really matter if I posted more then one reply? In the same night? In the same catagory? Am I not entitled to my opinion as you are with your perspective in regards to Ensemble cables, or others? I felt it was a superior cable with what I mentioned that I had and wanted to share my insight with others who might be in a similar situation. Sure, it is going to stir things up, I want it to. EXPERIMENT!!
I too, have auditioned Harmonic Techs lower range as well as the Magic IC. It did not move me as the Ensemble did. The Magic IC was similar to the Ensemble in ways, but not completely there.Thats it.
If a cable that cost 1/10th or less of that then another cable and yet offers say, 75 to 95% of the more expensive cables sonic worth, isn't there something seriously wrong with that companies pricing?

Enjoy the music
In case their is curiosity as to the associated components used with the Ensemble;

BOW Wizard CDP w/ Shun Mook Ultra Diamond Resonators
EVS Ultimate Attenuator (soon to be replaced by a tube pre; Wyetech Jade, Hovland HP100 or CAT Ultimate).
Rowland Model 10
Kharma Ceramique 2.1

Lastly, why didn't you infor[u]m us of what you bought instead of the Ensemble. I'm curious.
Sakahara, Good reply. I didn't intend to offend you. I just listened to the Megaflux (alone) and didn't think much of it. The cables made my system sound muddy. The sound stage collapsed and frankly I felt ripped off.. Especially after listening to (and believing) people who's oppinions I trusted. Heck, after reading your posts..... I want to try Megaflux again!!

My system(s) with Megaflux cables were: (Keep in mind I had NO power products on my system until recently.)

Day One: Krell FPB 250, Krell KPS28 CD, Krell KCT. I used Cast interconnects and had Wilson-Benesch Act One Speakers. Prior to using the Megaflux, I used Sterling speaker cables. The Sterlings were better in every way except for the amount of bass. Speakers are Tri-Wire and they were jumpered with the stock plates.

I sold my Krell stuff and purchased Chord Electronics. SPM1200 Amp and CPA Pre Amp. With a Marantz SA-1 Cd player.
Got a mixture of interconnects (bad thing) NBS, AQ Diamond, SPM Reference, Cardas Golden Reference & Cross... side note: I noticed that with the Cardas Golden Cross anywhere in my system, the bass was astonishing....
Same speakers. With this setup, I used my Sterling... hated it. The Megaflux sounded a wee bit better than the Sterling -- much warmer and rounder. Sold the Sterling and purchased FIM Gold. MAN! That sounded great! but.. after a few weeks I thought it was too much. The FIM was far superior to the Megaflux in this case. I sold the FIM and purchased KS-3033... It was okay in this system.. Not great but okay. I felt is was more resolving than the Megaflux and less than the FIM -- but still didn't have the bass I felt my speakers were capable of. My speakers were still jumpered with the stock plates.

Notice a trend here?? I sold several cables... and not the Megaflux. Do you know why? Because it sat on the market and NO ONE WANTED IT! I couldn't GIVE it away...

I sold my Chord, bought a GamuT (it was hard to sell as well but I managed to sell it too)... Sold my KS-3033 and purchased KS-3035 which I prefered to the Megaflux as well. Then... I did the best thing I've done for myself in a LONG TIME... I bought a pair of Electrocompaniet AW180 Mono Blocks and that changed everything. Any cable sounds good with EC! Even the Megaflux... but I still felt it didn't sound as good as the KS-3035 in my system.

I was still using the stock plates on my speakers.

Then I ran the MegaFlux to the low frequency binding posts on my speakers, the KS-3035 to the Mids and a solid silver wire to jumper from the Mids to the Highs. Finally the MegaFlux was doing what I needed it to do and I felt pretty happy. Suddenly... after 3 months, someone wanted to buy my Megaflux (to my surprise).... I sold the Megaflux, replaced with Cardas Golden Cross and have never looked back.

Today I use the Golden Cross for my LF, the Kimber Select for my MF and am actively seeking the right HF cable for my system. I have Shunyata Viper V2's on my EMC-1 24/192 CD Player and AW-180 Monos. As far as I/C's go, I am currently driving myself nuts trying to find the right combo.

Sakahara, I might add that one thing stood clear in your post and that's the idea that Cables (ALL) are a system themselves, designed to be used as such. Combining cables is only for those who like me, are nuts! It would be easier to buy all one cable type and then change components to produce the sound we seek wouldn't it?

Sorry for rambling... It's late and I'm exhausted.