How do you get past the pops and hiss of LPs?

I have recently got out my dad's old Thorens TT (TD 150 MKII) and listened to some of his old classical LP's. I think that it is a warmer sound than CD but I can't get passed all the noise. I asked my Dad and he said it always sounded that way. Am I doing something wrong? Do you just ignore the hiss and pops? Thanks in advance.

As a strong proponent of analog, who can also recognize the value of CD's in some cases, I can only say that I am reminded of this phrase when reading your posts Rockin, "with friends like this, who needs enemies?"

Why do so many of these threads spiral down into name calling? I maintain that many a barb is tossed out here that would not be dared, eye-to-eye, across the table. From BOTH sides on the issue.

There is no right or wrong, here. You like what you like. A person can say why they like analog better than CD or CD better than analog. And we can agree to disagree. Does this make any of us “bad guys” or in need of “saving”? If I were a moderator (are there any here?), I’d close and delete this thread.

My comments still stand. There was no forwarding reason to refer to those who prefer CD's as "losers" and "lazy clones.' And it is hardly about "fear of the light " ... I just decided differently and your response is name calling. Enjoy the music and the equipment ... save the noble causes for those who are truly noble.

Regards, Rich
well said Rich, I agree with you, I just get tired of some people who misquote others so they can try to justify their opinions. Sorry for the unprofessionalism on my part.
Hey Guys, this is some pretty funny stuff. I posted on this thread back on 6/18. Back then we were talking about records and turntables. I came back after six days and it's like a blood bath.

Records are cool. Been listening to em' for 35 years. But, don't kid yourselves, digital is coming into it's own. And I now often find myself listening to my CD rig more often than my analog rig.

At the least, be willing to accept both formats for whatever their virtues may be. And they both have their goods and bads. Keep an open mind.

Your mind is like a parachute. It only works when it's open.
Ease up guys relax!!!!!!
How do you get past hiss and pops??

Well you can try having a Boa constrictor near by for the hiss to be common and train your ears to it...
the pop well why not do the same with a corn poper pot in the kitchen.......

At first you fell in love with music then you'd like to improve the experience and then it gets complicated.....

Sometimes is hard to stay in topic isn't it....
go back to the music and enjoy