Dirt on my stylus.....what to do?

I've noticed that I have some dirt and dust (and probably more junk that I can't see)on my stylus. I have tried my stylus brush with a bit of LAST STYLUS CLEANER on the brush (I've been told not to put LAST directly on my stylus) and the dust is still there.
What do you recommend???
BTW... I want to report that the LP #9 cleaned my stylus on my Helikon perfectly. Much better then the Last Cleaner.

Now, Albert, I will test the record cleaner.
Any of you recommending the LP#9 compare it to the Disc Doctor's Stylus cleaner & brush?
It also goes for about $25, wondering if I should try the #9, when I finish off the disc doctor stuff. It seems to wrok okay, but I'm new at this & don't have any comparisons.