Cables that make no sense...

I want to go from what I shouldn't choose at all.

Is there cables(speaker or interconnects) that make no sence at all?

In my opinion --
Monster M2.4 is #1 in such listing
It's very costly and very far away from music.

Any unwanted combination such as price+performance is welcomed to describe!
Anything that costs more than $200 for a 1.0 meter set of interconnects, or more than $500 for a 2.5 meter set of speaker cables makes no sense to me.

Remember, you don't always get what you pay for...

I recommend the Cardas Crosslink, which is an affordable, quality cable. The money you save by NOT purchasing expensive wires can be put towards what REALLY matters -- a fat stack of records ;-)
I agree with Gthrush1 to a certain extent.... I woulds much rather have a serious software collection, and OK cables. But rationality does not go hand and hand with this hobby, as we all know or we would not be here. One man's sane is another's insane and vice versa. I feel the limit(for me) is speaker cables: $1500 Interconnects: $700(per pair) Power cable $700(each). That is by no means cheap or too out of hand. With my budget in mind I like used cables, I mean why take such a loss when some one else is willing to. So answering your question I think most new high-end cables make no sense, I am a patient person and can wait to get things cheap used.
go to radio shack. buy the orange digatal cables. use them for audio cables . let me know if 30 bucks sounds good.