What readily available LP's should I consider

After many years of chasing "perfect" digital playback, I’ve ordered a new vinyl playback rig, and am dusting off my old vinyl, and am so to speak, going back to the future.

While I've found many posts, web sites etc., with vintage vinyl recommendations, finding a list of well-recorded, excellent-sounding new, or READILY available pressings, has not been so easy.

What highly prized, must have LP's, should I be looking for? As most of us, my musical tastes are quite varied, and with the exception of rap, hip-hop, and opera (quite a combination huh?), I'm open to your list of EASILY procurable, LP's to die for.
Check Michael Fremer's page:

And get to know your UPS dude.
Mrmb, there is a huge selection of readily available vinyl reissues available today, many of which have been superbly remastered. I may come back to offer some specific recommendations, but allow me to start this conversation with some more general observations...

Look at Acoustic Sounds' Recommended list (www.acousticsounds.com/recommended.cfm), it is pretty reliable. LPs are clearly identified, and make up a substantial portion of their list.

Use the LP search capabilities at Red Trumpet (www.redtrumpet.com) and Acoustic Sounds. At Red Trumpet, simply include an additional keyword of "LP" to any other keywords. For example: "speakers corner lp" (a seach on just "LP" brings back nearly 2,000 entries)

I've found the following labels offering superbly remastered reissues, within the genres listed. If the music is something you enjoy, you won't go wrong buying this genre on this label.

* Jazz *
Speakers Corner (Verve reissues)
Analogue Productions (esp. the Fantasy 45 rpm reissue series)
Pure Audiophile

* Classical *
Speakers Corner (the Mercury reissues are incredibly good across the board, the Deccas reissues are excellent for the most part)
45 rpm reissues from Classic Records, the 33 rpm reissues are variable.
Reference Recordings Mastercut series - oop, but some titles still available from Acoustic Sounds - Gershwin, Rachmaninoff, Ravel (do a vinyl search under "Label" "Reference Recordings", or tryy this link if it continues to work: Reference Recordings Mastercut series)

* Blues *
Analogue Productions (look at the APO recordings)
Speakers Corner (Verve and RCA)

* Folk *

Another resource is a recurring thread here on Audiogon called "What's on your turntable tonight?". If you read through this you will find a number of recommendations of specific recordings that are currently available.
One that I bought recently that has truly superb sonics as
well as being wonderful musically is BoB Marley's Kaya, it's a 180 gm. Simply Vinyl, highly recommended
If your willing to lay out some serious change a currently available recording of Bach Suites for unaccompanied Cello reissued on 3 Lps by Janos Starker will make you wonder why you ever gave up analog.
My recommendation would be to pick up as many of the Analogue Productions 45 Jazz series now before they are out of print. At $50 a pop it gets expensive real fast. But trust me you won't be sorry you did. Start with Sonny Rollins "Saxophone Colossus" and the rest will follow. Those can be found at Red Trumpet, Music Direct and of course Acoustic Sounds. Best-Gary