What to replace CAL ALPHA dac

Hello everyone,
I have been out of the loop from digital for quite a bit. I'm wondering what sonic improvement would the current/recent crop of dacs would have over my tubed Cal Alpha dac. I know that most new dacs interface with computers and while it would be nice as a supplement, my main concern is for CD redbook replay.
I bought this tubed Cal Alpha ages ago used for $400. My budget now would be more or less $750 new or used.
I would appreciate any suggestion with sonic comparison.
Thanks in advance
Rrog, almost a parallel experience. I really started digital with a Cal Aria - it was wonderous compared to my previous CDP's and finally got me interested in digital. I then moved on to a Sigma and Proceed PTD, then an Alpha/Delta combo. I tried the Proceed in place of the Delta and found the combo a bit bright for my system and reinserted the Delta. I tried other CDP's with digital outputs and had a similar result, so when you said the Delta had a warmth you reflected my experience.

The PDT was an excellent transport but I was never fond of their DAC. I now use the Alpha/Delta in a headphone system using Senn 650's and a Woo W3. I replaced it with a BAT CDP, and then acquired a Raysonic 128, Wadia 302, and a Marantz 11SA3. They all bring something very different to the mix and it is nice to be able to choose to match music and mood. The BAT has been retired.

Excelit, I have no experience with any of those DAC's. EE/Mini Max gets good reviews and might work for you. Might! Ditto Scott. I don't know about 'analogue sound', but what you might find is that any of them may be more transparent than the Alpha if your system is sufficiently resolved to make a difference meaningful and you ears are sufficiently trained to hear these differences. Certainly you should be able to hear some tonal differences but which you might like may be more dependent on synergy with the rest of your system than anything else. May I suggest that it might be better to take a long range view and wait until you can afford to purchase a digital system, i.e. a CDP, or DAC/Transport combo, that will meet your needs. As
it is now your sound is wedded to your Rotel transport section of your CDP and the digital cable you use (although the latter should not be a big deal).
Newbee, I found the Proceed PDT/PDP very sensitive to the digital cable. This combination was very neutral, but some body could be added with the right cable. I used the Proceed separates with ESP Concert Grand speakers, Quicksilver Silver monos and Quicksilver Full Function preamp. With most recordings the sound was excellent. However, my next CD player was selected to have more warmth.
Oddiofyl, I have said the same thing about many items I have owned in the past, but I always wonder if I would like it as much now as I did then.
Listening to my vintage 1995 (non-24 bit, Sovteks, updated footers, etc) Alpha RIGHT NOW. Will run it for another 18 years if it doesn't die first. Nothing in its price range then or now comes close. BTW, using a Pioneer bluray player as a transport with a piece of crap Monster Cable SPDIF plastic digital cable. Nirvana for less than the cost of some amp stands out there.