Static Problem

I have a VPI TNT MKV/JMW12.5/van den hul Black Beauty set-up all sitting on top of VPI TNT stand with a Bright Star Big Rock.

I live in Pittsburgh, PA. As the winter has come, I have noticed static "pops" developing ( mostly in one (right) channel. I usually discharge by touching the turntable platter, but it soon builds up again.

Any thoughts or suggestions would be appreciated.
Get some moisture into that room's air. I run a humidifier full-time in my listening room during the winter, makes a huge difference in the static levels. Feels better on your sinus passages and lungs, too. Also helps to keep the wood cabinets from getting dry so fast.
Thanks for all the help. I think I will go with a humidifier and groundwire and see what happens.
On more question -- about a groundwire solution. Is there any reason not to hook up the groundwire to the ground on my pre-amp? The groundwire from the tonearm is hooked up in that way.