Help me with the last item in my new system

I'll pose this to you for your opinions and experience;

Just completed a rebuild of my system and am down to the last two things. I want to change my speaker cables and I need a digital interconnect. The system is as follows;

CAL Icon Mk II
monter coax cable (borrowed out of my theatre setup)
Kimber Hero
Classe CAP-150 w/ phono
borrowed Tara Omni (brown case)
Hales Revelation 3s

The speaker cables I have in the system right now are brown and have a HUGE WAF quotient (sound good too). The Hales do not provide a biwire option, and the Classe is better suited to spades than banans. A fair amount of flexibility is required by my intallation. I have set a limit of $200 for an 8' pair of new/used speaker cables.

The digital cable between the CAL and the MSB only needs to be 1/2 meter. I am already amazed by the difference that the MSB makes, and in no way wish to soften or dull the sound of this marvelous bargian. I have set a budget of $125 for a new/used digital interconnect.

As always, your opinions and insight are very much appreciated. Your advise has helped bring my system to it's current state, and I am incredibly pleased with the results thus far.

Among moderately priced cables, I personally believe that the Kimber 8TC and 4TC are the ones to beat. I've been using these two cables in my own system for a long time, and I've been very pleased with them.
Hear this: I've downgraded from JPS Labs Superconductor speaker cables to unterminated Van Den Hul $75 6'runs directly from What Hi Fi catalogue. This is my best cable buy I've ever made. I'll be listing my JPS cables on e-bay and/or audiogon soon for at least $325.
I love my Harmonic Tech Pro-9's for $425.00

Their Pro-11's are awesome as well less than $200.00