24/96 Upsampling

I've got a SFD2 Mark II, a very good class A type DAC. SF tells me that they will have a 24/96 upgrade for this DAC out this summer. They also have a D2D-1 stand alone box for $600. Anyone experienced the difference in a good DACs performance using one of these new upsampling digital to digital boxes?
Upsampling is the only way to get the absolute most from the CD format, provided the rest of your system is up to the challenge. There are several others, like dCS, Bel Canto, Perpetual Technologies, Muse, and MSB. But I feel that it would take a very expensive linestage coupled with one of those upsamplers, to equal the performance of my Resolution Audio CD50 when driving the power amp directly.
Hi Kies & Carl; I don't believe the Muse model 296 is an upsampling DAC, although I do think it uses over sampling technology, (but I don't exactly know the difference between over sampling and up-sampling). I've looked into this a bit as I have a Muse Model Two DAC and am considering upgrade to the 296.
I was just looking at the Soundstage photos of CES. Looks like the Boulder 1012 DAC/Preamp will be something to watch out for (claims to achieve 144 dB noise rejection, true 24 bit performance). It costs $15,000, though. Ok, the Muse does not upsample internally. Upsamplers by themselves are called "digital-to-digital converters". All the ones I mentioned (except the Muse and dCS) do this in the same chassis as the DAC itself. I beleive the Perpetual Technologies model 3 is the least costly of all these, and they (and also Bel Canto) offer in-home auditions, factory direct. The Bel Canto only upsamples to 96 kHz, instead of 192, though. But the Bel Canto is perhaps likely to be the best one for the money...that's only a guess.
Sonic Frontiers has just announced their 24/96 upgrade to both their SFD2 Mark II and the P-3 DACs. My SFD2 upgrade will cost $1300, but I will still have to purchase the $700 outboard D2D-1. So for $2K I'm ready for the next upgrade which will be the DVD-Audio capable machine probably available by the end of the year. (See the May Stereophile page 62 for the ad/announcement.