Musical Fidelity A324 DAC as good as Tellig says?

I was wondering if anyone out there has purchased or heard the new Musical Fidelity A324 Upsampling DA Coververter yet? Sam Tellig raved about it in the April Recommended Components Issue of Stereophile. He placed it firmly in "Class A" saying it was about as good as any digital he's ever heard, at any price! And all for $1195. I have got to hear one of these units. I am currenly using a Arcam FMJ CD23 and I love it. I wonder how much of an improvement I might realize adding to the MF to my system. Any thoughts, comments, rants would be greatly appreciated.



Arcam FMJCD23
Melos Maestro Preamp
Musical Fidelity A3cr PowerAmp
B&W Nautilus 803's
Rel Strata Sub
Kimber select 1021 IC's
Kimber Monocle XL & Select 3033 (bi-wire)
Kimber PK 10 Gold Power Cables
Now the kicker here is: where do I upgrade? This is what happens. You asked about the MF and I start on the Prima. What that has to do with the MF I don't know. Someone else tells you to bi amp. Gurantee, someone will tell you to have a good look at preamp possibilites. That always helps a system. Before you know it: a whole new system. That's what I love about this hobby. Now, I'm not a B&W fan, but I'm not going there. That wouldn't do you any good. I like the idea of, if they do infact need the power, biamping before going the DAC route. I think, however, your CD player is a weak link. It might sound great, but why not greater; especially if you can do it in your price range. You, apparently, can do some cool things to your system, inexpensively. Listen, listen, listen. And then do what we tell you to do.
Thanks for the input. I have definitely been considering bi-amping. It’d be more expensive but I'd probably not have think much more about amplification for the foreseeable future. Blackie: Are your 803’s biamped? I still plan on trying to audition the MF DAC in my system first. I don't think jitter would be much of an issue with the MF (see John Atkinson's measurements etc on page 92 of the July issue of Stereophile). I’m not familiar with the Audio Aeros Prima. Searches on Google, Yahoo & Hotbot provided no info.
Who knows (I wouldn't), it may be. You'll just have to go and listen. But keep two things in mind until then: Tellig is, and always has been, the foremost cheerleader for this brand; and even he hasn't compared every available option out there when he declares something to be unbeatable, either for the money or even flat-out (in his totally unbiased opinion, of course). I enjoy Sam as much as the next guy, and have even profitably taken his advice into consideration on occasion. But if this hobby is about anything at all, it's about system synergy and personal preferences. In my system, the digital front-end started with a mass-market CD player, went to a mid-fi CDP with a digital out, then to an outboard DAC, then a better digital IC, then a jitter-box, then a dedicated transport, and then I added a balanced PLC, and I've been rewarded with improved sound at each step. Now I've just bought an "umsampling" DAC to audition against my reference, and we'll see if history repeats itself. You'll probably stay curious if you don't find a way to compare your own reference against the "latest and greatest" for yourself, and the MF might well be as good a place to start as any. Sorry not to be of any *real* help, but I do wish you the best of luck!
I don't have my N803s biamped currently but I did try a single A3cr power amp and it has a great, transparent sound but it just ran out of steam at anything above a modest volume. I have also tried the A3dac and you will get better (larger, richer, more open) sound with a better one box unit like the Linn Ikemi, Meridian 508-24 or Krell KAV-280cd. I have also heard good things about the Audio Aero (not Aeros) Prima. Personally I would keep your CD player, get a second A3cr power amp, upgrade to the REL Storm III (the Strata is great but the 803s can go pretty low and would really benefit from the Storm) and just enjoy the wonderful sound your system can make, which I'm sure you already do.
Don’t trust the review. Instead of bringing your CD transport to the store, I suggest you borrow one for extensive home trial. This is the only way you can be sure if you will like it.