Musical Fidelity A324 DAC as good as Tellig says?

I was wondering if anyone out there has purchased or heard the new Musical Fidelity A324 Upsampling DA Coververter yet? Sam Tellig raved about it in the April Recommended Components Issue of Stereophile. He placed it firmly in "Class A" saying it was about as good as any digital he's ever heard, at any price! And all for $1195. I have got to hear one of these units. I am currenly using a Arcam FMJ CD23 and I love it. I wonder how much of an improvement I might realize adding to the MF to my system. Any thoughts, comments, rants would be greatly appreciated.



Arcam FMJCD23
Melos Maestro Preamp
Musical Fidelity A3cr PowerAmp
B&W Nautilus 803's
Rel Strata Sub
Kimber select 1021 IC's
Kimber Monocle XL & Select 3033 (bi-wire)
Kimber PK 10 Gold Power Cables
Well, history did not repeat itself...see my further thoughts, comments and rants in a new post titled "Upsampling Put To The Test", which they should throw up there today if they don't decide that it's inappropriate! (And bring a bag lunch and take the phone off the hook - it's a real mutha 4 ya!)
1) there do not seem to be MF dealers while I live, near Chicago. I would definitely audition first if at all possible, also I don't think MF or dealers offer free home trial??
2) Sam Tellig reminds me of some kind of slick used car salesman. I don't get a feeling of confidence from his recommendations, he doesn't usually go into much depth or subtlety in his reviews. It's just cute stuff like "this is great" or "yus got to try it...". I definitely would not buy without trying it first.
I listened to this unit at my dealer's with similar electronics to what I'm using ( MF A300 integrated and A3 cdp). The sound was different but I don't thnk it was any more real or involving--- it took a studio piano sound and turned it into a kind of badly recorded live date in a club sound, plenty of distortion and noise.For 1200. I'll pass. John