Sony DVP 9000

Could someone tell me how good the redbook CD playback on this model is? I am conisdering selling my Planet and getting one of these, but as I listen to CDs more then anything else, I dont want to sacrifice CD quality.

Yep, gotta agree. I'm using mine on an old Mitsu 50", and it has never looked better. I bought it for sound which it is extremely good at, and the video is as well. Realisticaly, it is probably the best buy in audio/video. Great picture, great cd player, and GREAT SACD. It's not an incredible cd player. Modified units could possibly be, which is why I'm looking into mods. For the money, it is a steal. Tom
I sent a couple of burned cd-r's to a friend with a 9000 and he can't play them. Is anybody else able to play cd-r's on their 9000?
Creeper, unfortunately, that is a problem with the 9000. Mine can't play CD-Rs either. Kind of a bummer. But, it does everything else so well that I can't really complain about it. But if you like to play alot of CD-Rs, you might consider another player, 'cause this one ain't gonna do it.
I am considering to buy either the 9000 or the old X707es to use as a transport for my DAC. Any suggestion which one should I go for? Thanks.