New Scout & MH MM-7 or old Linn Sondek. ?????

I'm torn up. I have a line on all three of these TT's. The Linn has all the upgrades, and i can get it for $1200, (which is a steal, right?). However I would like to get something new. What's all the rave about this old Linn setup anyway. Wouldn't a brand new VPI Scout, or Music Hall-7 be just as good, if not a little better? I want to make the right choice, becouse I don't want to buy another TTagain.
I'm a bit offended by the statement that I don't know "what a good sounding turntable sounds like". I've listened to many of the available TT's out there, and auditioned a few of the VPI's, Regas and Sotas in my home system. While I found the sound satisfactory in most of them, I didn't think the price difference was worth dumping my LP12.
I do agree about the "fussiness" issue. I have mine serviced and set up by a "pro"- I don't think it's a good idea to have the set up done by a "novice".
My Linn sounds great, too. And I've heard quite a few. I don't know this rant about having "absolutely no idea about a good sounding turntable" is supposed to accomplish. Babyz didn't ask about $10,000 turntables. Most of us can't afford such, hence the market for Linn, MH, VPI, etc. Of the realistic and affordable choices given, I'd go with the Linn. [my attempt at being "nice" and not using the "f" word]
Thanks for your input. What is the big deal with the setup? Is this TT (Linn) going to make me nuts.
I like to tinker around a bit, but I'd rather just listen to my records. I'm building a wall mounted, granite based shelf for my next TT, to minimize room vibration. Will that be enough? $1,500 for a TT should be enough for any one with regular ears to fully enjoy whatever some record company spent to put on the vinyl. $10,000? Even if you have the dough, seems a little silly.
Babyz-The Linn won't make you nuts. It's just a little bit tougher to set up than some other TTs. I bought mine used about 12 years ago and have had no problems with it. I do have a pro install the cartridge and, while it's there, check the belt, cords, etc. So far it's needed no repairs. If it hadn't needed a new cartridge from time to time, there would have been no need to remove it from it's stand.
Mine is also wall mounted, which made an incredible difference.
I agree that $10K is silly (until I hit the lottery).
Don't be afraid of the Linn. Buy one and spend the other $8500 on vinyl.
I knew that something like this was coming, and I don't care.
I think, it is more important to know what is going on, and personally I think, it is more silly to invest in crap than in things, which work.
Some designs are better than others, independtly from price. Why are you crying about a 10k turntable ? A full modified LP 12 is expensive and it that good that most of them were sold from their owners, for super low prices, any idea why ?
Just my 2c.