New Scout & MH MM-7 or old Linn Sondek. ?????

I'm torn up. I have a line on all three of these TT's. The Linn has all the upgrades, and i can get it for $1200, (which is a steal, right?). However I would like to get something new. What's all the rave about this old Linn setup anyway. Wouldn't a brand new VPI Scout, or Music Hall-7 be just as good, if not a little better? I want to make the right choice, becouse I don't want to buy another TTagain.
Babyz- Thomas' implication that the LP12 is crap shows where he's coming from..... It may not be the greatest TT of all time but no one would call it "crap". I would also take issue with the statement "most of them were sold from (sic) their owners". If this were true, you'd see a lot more of them for sale as they were the largest selling "high-end" TT of all time. The facts don't support his assertion.
If you get a chance to buy one for a good price, do so. Use some of the money you save and buy yourself a VPI or Nitty Gritty record cleaner (IMO a necessity, not an option).
Thanks for all of your input. I purchased the Linn yesterday. Will receive it in a couple of days. I'm excited, but have a nagging feeling about that VPI.After all it's brand new for the same price. I'm sure that it will be fine. I really don't think if you spend more thatn $1,500 your going to get that much more improvement. If $1,500 doesn't get you all the sounds that are on the record, than somebody is takeing you for a ride. But, that's just my opinion, I'm new to this high end audio reproduction thing. Thanks again!
Nice table and welcome to the audio addiction.

1500$ for all the musical information??

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Congrats Babyz on the linn. But you will over time, because as you say, you are new to hi fi, find that you can indeed get better for more than $1,500 for a turntable arm combo. The trick is to find the best for the lease amount of your hard earned $$$$$ ,if you can't afford a Rockport. It is a great time for vinyl playback. The cost is comming down because of the tech. advancements. I think now you can get very close to world class in the 3 to 4k range.