Upsampling DACS: Take the Pepsi Challenge

HAs anyone used 2 of the following 3 relatively inexpensive upsampling DACs: Perpetual technologies, Bel Canto, MSB Link 3 with upsampling upgrade?? I am trying to sort out the details of the new technologies. The Perp Tech can "interpolate", while the others do not. I am under the impression that the "24 bit" part of this new technology has to do with s/n ratios aroung 140 db, which is great, but a little useless considering the other equipment in the system. The sampling freq is the part that has me all aflutter, because it seems to be getting closer to analog quality "infinite sampling" if you will... What do you think? Has anyone compared these dacs?? Thanks, gang.
I most certainly did not "run" Deborah out of this forum! She is a very busy musician and educator, and doesn't spend every waking moment in this forum. She has better things to do, mostly. I'll have all of you know, that I have become acquainted with both Deborah, and her husband Robert. We see eye to eye on TWO pieces of equipment that we both own (one is the CD50), and I find them to be very well heeled and intelligent individuals, both in audio and music (especially music, I pale before them). And I resent all of the attacks that I have received in this whole episode. I AM NO BIGOT, NO SEXIST, NO SOPHOMORIC THROWBACK. I am just more honest than many of you PI blowhards, that's all...Joe, I appreciate your attempt to conclude this thread on a high note, and regret that I needed to add this. You'll get over it...BTW, you aren't the first to make the observations you make, many are obvious. On mics: ever try "Blue" omni mics? Saw them in "Musician's Friend" catalog, look interesting, but are expensive (for me), and I have no mic pres with phantom power (cuts out essentially all the good ones)...Knocking on the door of the Neumann price range...
Very well said, Joe!! I apologize for my contribution to the more distasteful parts of this thread and will try to raise my bar. On the subject of journalists, I wasn't speaking about John Atkinson or "J-10" in my post above. Actually, the specific article that I was referring to was the Wadia/dCs comparison in "Hi-Fi News and Record Review". I do think it was irresponsible of them to compare two different processors and try to attribute the differences to "upsampling vs. oversampling", particularly since they are two words for the same thing AND everything else about the two units was also different. That just shows that they did not understand how to set up an experiment to test for differences (eg. compare same processor and change only the oversampling digital filter, for example). Anyway, point well taken, Joe!! Live the good life! Jordan
Just came across a commentary by Kevin Halverson on the MUSE Web Site in their DOCUMENTS SECTION which I found EXTREMELY interesting and informative entitled -- Sample Rate Converters (up & oversamplers) & their use in Digital Audio CHECK IT OUT AT:
Just read Kevin's article at the Muse site. I think it caps this discussion nicely. Check it out:
Joe; for a 25 year old you certainly have a mature and positive outlook on life. I read your long post carefully and it's excellent-- I share your views, and apologize for contributing to some of the negativity found here. The only quibble I chose to mention (and it's minor) is that I would not be "in awe" of meeting people such as J. Atkinson or audio industry leaders, but of course I would be pleased to meet them. But that's my perspective at age 57, and after completion of a 32 year career as a Senior Forest Soil Scientist (last 15-16 years) with the Dept. of Interior here in Oregon. I only mention my profession to let others know something about me. Men (especially) often define themselves by their professions, businesses or job(s) etc., and I would be interested in knowing about others in this regard. But it is seldom ever noted here on Audiogon; as a positive example, I respected David99 for telling us he was a nurse as that tells me a lot about him. Carl, what pray tell, does PI mean? As I want to know what kind of a blowhard I am (if you're referring to me)? And I'm glad to hear that you and Deborah1 and her husband have become email friends. I had occasion to exchange emails with her too-- nice lady. I hope she'll come back on Audiogon. Cheers (and I mean CHEERS). Craig.