Equipment priority for powercords

What component(s) would you install your best powercord(s) on, trans, dac, cdplayer, preamp, amp and/or etc (excluding tuner and tapedecks)?
My reasoning for the 2nd choice as the pre. Say you also do vinyl. A killobuck cord on the cd player ain't gonna help your vinyl. So if it's on the pre--it helps both.
Power cords have a voice. They also have a different voice with different components of your system. Generally the greatest difference can be noticed at the source and working down the chain. Don't forget your subwoofer. Customers have reported significant power increases with the correct power cord. There are still some non-beleivers out there. I think they may have not matched the correct power cord to electronics. Be sure to choose a manufacturer that offers an audition period. Also be patient and allow the pc to burn in.
Dan Harmon
dedicated audio
My experience was that each component showed a slightly different effect on the overall sound. First a JPS digital AC PC on the pre/pro resulted in an overall reduction of the noise floor. A JPS power AC on the power amp resulted in greater dynamics. Another digital AC on the transport resulted in a greater sense of pace and musicality. Just have fun and experiment
