LP 12 Owners-If you were going to buy a new TT ...

While I love the sound of my LP12 when its properly set up, it is a finicky beast which hates to be moved. I have moved with my table three times, and readjusting has always been a bit of a pain. For example, I wish speed was easier to regulate, I wish setting up the correct belt height was not so touchy, I wish my Ekos had adjustable VTA, etc. While not fed up to the point of wanting an immediate change, I do wonder occassionally when I see pictures and reviews of some of the new tables popping up in the market. Wondering if any fellow Linnies have moved on (or are considering moving on) to other designs. What woud top the list for about the same money as a fully decked out LP12 (Ekos, Lingo, Arkiv)?
I owned a Linn for many years. It's funny how many of the more "modern" contenders sound much better than the Linn in a few areas but miss the organic wholeness that the Linn imparts. That said, my favorite is the RPM; lots of swing, PRAT, and imaging to boot. I can't afford one but have spent a lot of time listening.
Hi have a Linn LP12/Valhalla/Modified Rega RB250 from Express Machinging/Benz Glider II. I have ordered a Teres 255 Rosewood kit and it should be arriving this week. I have an Eminent Technology ET2 Linear tracking tonearm that I'm going to put on the Teres, this combo is suppose to be very good. After I assemble the Teres and get the ET2 working right I will then let it break-in then I will have to decide to get rid of the LP12. I like the sound of the LP12 but just tired of the suspension, I just want to set it up and forget about it. I know I will have to mess with the ET2 quite a bit but I have heard and talked to people who own this tonearm that they don't have to mess with it that much, We'll see.

I had a Linn LP12 for many years, upgrading along the way to Ekos/Lingo etc. I recently bought a TNT MKV/JMW12.5 combo.(I used a van den hul black beauty cartridge on the Linn and kept it for the TNT/JMW.) I can say that it is a wonderful improvement. The new rig is much quieter and provides much greater resolution of low level detail. This just opened up the sounstage and allows me to hear many nuances I previously missed. In addition, the bass is so much better that it makes the Linn sound as it it was missing half the music.

The Linn is good, but it's not even close to being in the same class as my new rig.
I sold my lp12 and considered the Teres, Nottingham, and VPI. I settled very happily with the Nottingham Hyperspace. Only the looks of the VPI impressed me. I thought I had my heart set on the Teres but my enthusiasm wained about putting it together myself the longer I thought about it. I think the design philosophy is excellent. But I came to the conclusion that with my schedule and habits I'd be better off with a finished, local dealer supported product. The Hyperspace design is generally along the same path as the Teres and does the PRAT thing well as the lp12. If I ever have the luxury of owning two tables, the second will be a pre-vahalla lp12.
IF I was going to buy a new TT (and I am) I would keep my LP12 for various reasons. I'm building a Teres and now that I am nearing completion (after spending about 900 bucks more than I thought I would on the base alone - DIY isn't always cheap) I'm second guessing all my design work. This second guessing is undoubtedly going to make me question the results I acheive with the completed table. I have no idea what to expect and I have a feeling its going to suck. :) Therefore - I anticipate that as long as I own the Teres, I'll be messing with it -- trying to improve on it, etc.

The Linn will remain in my system as that which grounds me to reality -- giving me a basis to judge the Teres as it evolves.

The LP12 really is an amazing table.