Resoution Audio or Electrocompaniet!!!!

I have heard great things about these two companies. Has anybody heard both: the Electrompaniet EMC-1 and the Resolution Audio CD55? I am looking into buying one of these two. Help!!!
I've had the EC EMC-1 since November and can't complain. It's a very smooth sounding CDP which really gets the tone/timbre correct. It might not be the end all/be all at the freq. extremes, but I can't argue that it makes my CDs sound ALMOST as good as they can. I have had the pretty blue light on top, go out twice, even with the upgraded part, but in my rack, I can't even see it anyway. I'm going to open her up again and fashion my own version. Email me if you have anymore questions, Chris, Miami
I've been lsitening to the CD55 for alomost a month and can say it competes well with all the top units that go for 2-3X as much $$$. Let me just say that in the interest of conservation of characters, cold out of the box, my wife commented that it's sweet! it's only been getting better and better. It's about the easiest and most enjoyable player next to a $7,000 Wadia or $10,000 Altis system. I've been rounf the block with digitial sine I heard one of the first player on it's way to a NYC audio show back in 1983. Good luck.
I own both units and like them in different ways. send me an email and i'll fill you in.