If you could have 2 turntables...

I have a P25/RB600-incognito/Grado Sonata that I am very happy with. I recently A/B'ed my table versus a SOTA Sapphire - which I also liked. The two tables were both musically engaging but had different presentations. I liked them both. It got me thinking about adding a second, differently designed, turntable to my system.

If you were me, what tables/arms would you consider?

How many of you out there have more than 1 table? (if so, what are they?)
One should be an Oracle Premier Limited Edition in black and gold -- my favorite looking turntable of all time.
For a very nice musical sound that is differant fromthe p-25 I would go with a LINN
I have the music hall MMF-7 with Grado Referance platnum and would love a LINN also
I have a Rockport Capella and a Versa Dynamics 2.3, the latter modified by Bear labs. They're different, one is not better than the other (either is better than anything else I've owned, including Basis Debut Vacuum, SME 30/2 (probably because I prefer a linear tracking arm), VPI TNT, Verdier . The Bear lab modifications really improved the stability of the Versa isolation system, and made it look far more elegant as well (there's a picture on the Bear Labs website)--I am a customer, and have no affiliation with Bear Labs or Rockport (the Capella is also great, and doesn't suffer from any of the speed irregularity described by M. Fremer in Stereophile. In fact, his description of it is dead wrong--the motor is attached to the subchassis, and always keeps its position relative to the spindle, it is not attached to the base, as he claims)